Roadshow Coote and Carroll Roadshow Coote and Carroll i(A91879 works by) (Organisation) assertion (a.k.a. Roadshow Coote & Carroll)
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1 form y separately published work icon Law of the Land Glenda Hambly , Peter Gawler , Bill Garner , Galia Hardy , Shane Brennan , Ro Hume , John Coulter , Jan Sardi , Emma J. Steele , ( dir. Michael Offer et. al. )agent 1993 Australia : Roadshow Coote and Carroll Nine Network , 1993-1995 6019480 1993 series - publisher film/TV crime

Produced by the same television production company responsible for the successful medical drama G.P., Law of the Land moved away from the inner-city urbanity of G.P. Set in the fictional small town of Merringanee, series one involves the arrival in town of young magistrate Peter Lawrence, who (thanks to a stolen car and a long-buried body) learns that the locals have their own way of enforcing the law.

Series two involved a different character, Kate Chalmers, unravelling the truth behind Peter Lawrence's death.

The program ran to a total of four thirteen-episode series, yet it is obscure enough today that little information about it is readily available.

Cinematographer Brendan Lavelle did, however, contribute an article to Metro Magazine ('A Day in the Life: The Work of a Cinematographer', issue 99) while he was working on the series.

1 22 form y separately published work icon Turtle Beach Ann Turner , ( dir. Stephen Henry Wallace ) 1992 Australia Los Angeles : Roadshow Coote and Carroll New Regency Productions , 1992 Z460528 1992 single work film/TV

Reporter Judith Wilkes leaves her husband and two sons in Sydney and goes to Malaysia to cover the story of the Vietnamese boat people. She becomes romantically involved with Kanan and strikes up a friendship with Lady Minou Hobday, who keeps a regular vigil at Turtle Beach, where the refugees try to land. Hobday's obsession with the beach is due to her secret hope that one day her own children will arrive there. Accompanying Hobday one night, Judith witnesses a brutal massacre by the Malaysians, which spurs her on to expose the horrors of the internment camps at Bidong.

1 2 form y separately published work icon Brides of Christ Sue Smith , John Alsop , ABC Television (publisher), ( dir. Ken Cameron ) 1991 Australia : Roadshow Coote and Carroll ABC Television , 1991 Z1730526 1991 series - publisher film/TV

Brides of Christ is set in the mid-1960s, a time when the Catholic Church and its followers were struggling with the changing face of the Church, including the death of the Pope and the controversial issues of abortion and contraception. Told in six parts, the narrative follows Diane, a young woman who has walked away from her fiancé to join a convent after being sure she has a calling to the faith. Diane is forced to face her own demons, however, and eventually has to decide whether she can teach what the Church preaches, or if it's simply impossible for her to reconcile all the contradictions of the faith and uphold her vow of obedience.

1 form y separately published work icon A General Malaise Keith Thompson , Australia : Roadshow Coote and Carroll ABC Television , 1990 25706363 1990 single work film/TV
1 form y separately published work icon G. P. Sue Masters , Chris Anastassiades , Linda Aronson , Luis Bayonas , Shelley Birse , David William Boutland , Anne Brooksbank , Don Catchlove , Elizabeth Coleman , Judith Colquhoun , John Coulter , Michael Craig , Louise Crane , John Cundill , Joe Dowse , Kristen Dunphy , Matt Ford , Peter Gawler , Michael Gaylard , Howard Griffiths , Chris Hawkshaw , Noel Hodda , Ro Hume , Louise Johnson , Patricia Johnson , Andrew Kelly , Margaret Kelly , Carla Kettner , Joseph King , Peter A. Kinloch , Graeme Koetsveld , Susan MacGillicuddy , Rick Maier , Tony Maniaty , Grant McAloon , Christine McCourt , Lina Mckenzie , Stephen Measday , Jennifer Mellet , Michael Miller , Greg Millin , John Misto , Margaret Morgan , Tony Morphett , Mary Morris , Peter Neale , Carol Nemo , Alison Nisselle , Felicity Packard , Deborah Parsons , David Phillips , Tim Pye , Oliver Robb , Ted Roberts , Leon Saunders , Peter Schreck , Bill Searle , Mark Sims , Robyn Sinclair , Steve J. Spears , Caroline Stanton , Helen Steel , Charlie Strachan , Marnie Taylor , John Thomas , Keith Thompson , Katherine Thomson , Steven Vidler , Craig Wilkins , Carol Williams , Kris Wyld , Peter Yeldham , ( dir. Peter Andrikidis et. al. )agent 1989 Australia : ABC Television Roadshow Coote and Carroll , 1989-1996 7819205 1989 series - publisher film/TV

G.P. is an Australian television series that ran for eight seasons. Set in and around a fictional general medical practice in an inner-city suburb, the storylines explore the professional and personal lives of the doctors and staff who worked there.

1 form y separately published work icon The True Believers Bob Ellis , Stephen Ramsey , ( dir. Peter Fisk ) Sydney : Roadshow Coote and Carroll , 1988 Z1828869 1988 series - publisher film/TV

Television mini-series that traces the political concerns and upheavals of the immediate post-war period in Australia.

Moran notes, in his Guide to Australian TV Series, that the program, in addition to the three political leaders that are its focus, introduces such historical figures as B.A. Santamaria, Edgar Ross, Lloyd Ross, Dr H.C. Coombes, Frank Packer, and Arthur Calwell.

Moran suggests that the program's weakness lies in its treatment of the central figures: 'Menzies is a one-dimensional unprincipled villain, ambitious for power. Evatt, too, seeks power and is personally vain even to the point of eccentricity. Chifley, on the other hand, is a saintly avuncular figure who struggles to bring alive his vision of 'the light on the hill'. This leads to drama which is too black and white and simple-minded.'

1 form y separately published work icon Barlow and Chambers : A Long Way From Home Dadah is Death Bill Kerby , ( dir. Jerry London ) Sydney United States of America (USA) : Roadshow Coote and Carroll Steve Krantz Productions Nine Network , 1988 Z1828853 1988 series - publisher film/TV

Television mini-series that dramatises the arrest, conviction for drug trafficking, and execution of Australians Kevin Barlow and Geoff Chambers.

Moran, in his Guide to Australian TV Series, suggests that Barlow and Chambers 'is less interesting than its two fictional successors, Ring of Scorpio and Bangkok Hilton', in part, he suggests, because 'at the time more than 60 per cent of the Australian public was unsympathetic to their predicament'.

Moran also notes that the mini-series--which 'set Barlow up as the innocent victim at the expense of Chambers, who emerges as the shadowy and villainous figure'--drew criticism from the families of both the deceased.

1 1 form y separately published work icon The First Kangaroos Nigel Williams , ( dir. Frank Cvitanovich ) Sydney : Roadshow Coote and Carroll , 1988 Z1828826 1988 series - publisher film/TV

Mini-series that traces the first tour of England by the Australian national rugby league team, the Kangaroos.

When first aired, the mini-series drew harsh criticism from the family of English captain Albert Goldthorpe, who complained that 'Goldthorpe is depicted as a player "not adverse to foul and dubious practices".' In contrast to this, Goldthorpe's granddaughter argued, 'He was a gentleman who was known as the Prince of Rugby League.' This criticism was supported by Dally Messenger's grandson, who argued that 'The film-makers have squeezed a series of incidents into one match.'

Source: Sydney Morning Herald, Wednesday 8 June 1988, p.69.

1 form y separately published work icon Army Wives Anne Brooksbank , ( dir. Denny Lawrence ) Australia : Roadshow Coote and Carroll Network Ten , 1987 Z1669879 1987 single work film/TV Army Wives follows the lives of two childhood friends who marry brothers in the army: one a non-commissioned soldier and the other a Duntroon graduate. Despite the dramatically different paths that the women's lives take, both discover that, as the romance fades, their husbands seem to have less-than-normal sensitivity towards their feelings. Army Wives deals with the difficulties experienced by Australian military families as they attempt to cope with an impersonal insitution, class distinction between the ranks, and everyday social problems such as alcohol abuse.
1 y separately published work icon Michael Willesee's Australians Australians Trans Media Productions (publisher), Sydney : Trans Media Productions Film Australia Roadshow Coote and Carroll , 1987-1988 Z1587935 1987-1988 series - publisher biography

A series of documentaries about Australians from all walks of life, the series was produced and hosted by former television current-affairs presenter Michael Willesee.

Among the best-known people included in the series were infamous singer/dancer Lola Montez, actor Errol Flynn, athlete Betty Cuthbert, actress Lottie Lyell, radio personality Jack Davey, boxer Les Darcy, and Gallipoli hero Private John Simpson. The series also explored the lives of the Durkin family (Soldier Settlers), aviator Clyde Fenton, Sister Mary Mackillop, WWII nurse Vivian Bullwinkle, press baron John Norton, and General Henry Gordon Bennett, who fled Singapore in 1942, just prior to the island being invaded by the Japanese, leaving his army behind.

1 form y separately published work icon The Challenge David Phillips , ( dir. Chris Thomson ) Sydney : Roadshow Coote and Carroll Golden Dolphin Productions , 1986 Z1828803 1986 series - publisher film/TV

Television mini-series following the events leading up to Australia's 1983 win in the America's Cup under the auspices of Alan Bond.

Moran notes in his Guide to Australian TV Series that

1986 was an apposite year to show the series as Bond's company prepared for the next challenge in early 1988. Once Australia had lost the Cup back to the US in 1988 there was little life left in the series. In addition Bond's business dealings were becoming public and throwing a less than flattering light on this tycoon of industry. In 1988-89 he lost control of the recently purchased Nine Network and by 1992 bankruptcy was only a breath away. The Challenge, especially in its portrait of Bond, was destined then to become a historical curiosity.

1 form y separately published work icon The Blue Lightning William Kelley , ( dir. Lee Philips ) Sydney : Roadshow Coote and Carroll , 1986 Z1828795 1986 single work film/TV

A made-for-television film in which a private detective and a criminal struggle for possession of a priceless opal.

1 form y separately published work icon Archer Anne Brooksbank , ( dir. Denny Lawrence ) Sydney : Roadshow Coote and Carroll Network Ten , 1985 Z1828776 1985 single work film/TV

A made-for-television film tracing the adventures of apprentice horse trainer Dave Powers and race horse Archer, who in the 1860s travel 600 miles to compete in the Melbourne Cup.