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1 y separately published work icon Ngardi to English Dictionary Tom Ennever , Marie Nakamarra Mudgedell , Tjama Napanangka , Lee Cataldi , Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2025 29168908 2025 reference

'Representing the collaborative efforts of Ngardi Elders and linguists over more than 40 years, this is the most comprehensive documentation ever of Ngardi, a language of the northern Western Desert of Western Australia.

'Ngardi is the language of the western regions of the Tanami Desert and the north-central region of the Great Sandy Desert. Ngardi country is known locally as 'Ngururrpa' or 'central country' and is situated between Ngumpin languages to the north and west (languages like Jaru and Walmajarri) and Western Desert languages to the south (like Kukatja and Pintupi).

'Though Ngardi speakers are few, Ngardi language and culture remain core components of Ngardi identity. Numerous Ngardi words are still in use by people of all ages and there is a strong enthusiasm to see the language revitalised. Traditional Ngardi beliefs and cultural practices are maintained in many of the modern-day communities in which Ngardi people live: Balgo, Mulan, Billiluna (Kururrungku) and Ringer's Soak.

'Prospectors, linguists and anthropologists started making short Ngardi word lists in the 1920s, 1940s and 1950s. From 1990 onwards, Lee Cataldi began systematically documenting the language with Peggy Rockman and then later intensively with Tjama Napanangka and other senior Ngardi women in Balgo. From their work, the first dictionary began to be compiled. The first Ngardi dictionary was released in 2011 and this dictionary builds on that pioneering work. It is a testament to the work of the many Ngardi Elders who have contributed to this new dictionary of Ngardi, the most comprehensive ever published.

'The Ngardi to English Dictionary is the 11th dictionary published by Aboriginal Studies Press and funded by the AIATSIS Dictionaries Program since 2018.'  (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Yaru! Gudjal Learner's Guide and Dictionary William C. Santo , Alex Anderson , Cassy Nancarrow , Myfany Turpin , Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2023 26505651 2023 reference

'Gudjal is the language of the people of the Mural (Charters Towers) region, in western inland north Queensland. The beginnings of this dictionary and learner's guide were in the 1970s when Gudjal people began working with linguists to record their language. The first dictionary of Gudjal, by William Santo and Cassy Nancarrow, was published in 2006; and so, a language that had been sleeping started to awaken. In Yaru!, the dictionary has been expanded and the first-ever Gudjal grammar is included, as well as four songs and a Welcome to Country.

'The book has been compiled by Gudjal elder William Santo and linguists Alex Anderson, Cassy Nancarrow and Myfany Turpin. It includes accompanying audio read by Keesha Gordon and Shakira Kelly. The audio is accessed through QR codes in the book and can be downloaded from the associated website. Yaru! will be essential to the Gudjal community and schools in the Charters Towers region to build a new generation of language speakers. It will also be of value to people interested in Australia's first peoples, their languages and language revival.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Mooie's Stories : Malamiyayu Gurang, in the Dreamtime Ros Kneebone-Dodson , Ros Kneebone-Dodson (illustrator), Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2023 25773479 2023 selected work picture book Indigenous story children's

'Dja Dja Wurrung Ancestors’ stories as told to me by my mother, my grandmother, my great-grandmother and my great-great-grandmother before her.

'How did Wabbee, the freshwater crayfish, get its bright red spots? Why does Wehla, the ringtail possum, have a curly tail?

'How were Waripi Yaluk, the backwaters of Bulatjal Yaluk Woodlar, the Loddon River, formed? Why does Yern, the moon, light up the night sky? Bunjil, the all-powerful, knows the answers.

'‘BurWhela’ Ros Kneebone-Dodson learned these kiki — these stories of Malamiyayu Gurang, the Dreamtime — from her mother, Mooie. BurWhela’s words and images bring to vivid life these stories of her Ngurar Gurrk, her Ancestors, from Djandak, the Country of the Loddon River of Central Victoria.'(Publication summary)

1 1 y separately published work icon Warlpiri Encyclopaedic Dictionary Mary Laughren , Kenneth Hale , Jeannie Egan Nungarrayi , Paddy Patrick Jangala , Robert Hoogenraad , Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2022 25106760 2022 reference

'Warlpiri is a language of the Tanami Desert area of the Northern Territory of Australia. Hundreds of Warlpiri speakers from the main Warlpiri communities of Yuendumu, Willowra, Lajamanu, Nyirrpi and Alekarenge have contributed to the Warlpiri Dictionary, which has been more than 50 years in the making.

'It contains Warlpiri words with English translations; instructive example sentences rich with Warlpiri history and cultural practices; detailed flora and fauna information; more than 500 illustrations, plus colour photographs; and maps of Warlpiri country. With an English word finder, and a guide to Warlpiri grammar and to the complex vocabulary for family relations this dictionary is essential for both beginner and advanced speakers of Warlpiri, translators and interpreters, and for anyone interested in learning more about Warlpiri language and culture.' (Publication summary)

1 2 y separately published work icon Gija Dictionary Frances Kofod , Eileen Bray , Rusty Peters , Joe Blythe , Anna Crane , Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2022 24999736 2022 reference

'Gija is a traditional language of the East Kimberley in the north-west of Australia. It is a landscape of weathered hills hugged by spinifex, startling rocky outcrops, hidden waterholes and dry riverbeds that turn to raging torrents in the wet season. Gija country extends north of Warmun (Turkey Creek) in the upper reaches of the Ord and Dunham rivers, south to Halls Creek and west to Lansdowne and Tableland stations. The Purnululu (Bungle-Bungle — Boornoolooloo) National Park sits in Gija country.

'From the late 1800s, Gija people suffered devastating losses: invading pastoralists brought cattle that damaged waterholes and devastated the ecosystem; fortune hunters chased gold at Halls Creek; and government rounded up and forced people onto cattle stations. In the late 1960s when Aboriginal stockmen were granted equal wages, many were thrown off the land. This second wave of dispossession saw Gija people move to Wyndham and Halls Creek and later Warmun (Warrmarn), where most Gija people still live today. Many contributed to this dictionary including many well-known artists who use painting to pass on their linguistic knowledge.

'Despite this tragic history of loss, Gija people remain on their country, living their culture and speaking language. This new dictionary of Gija, the most comprehensive ever published, is a testament to their resilience.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Ngirramanujuwal : The Art and Country of Jimmy Pike Paris Norton , Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2022 24547382 2022 single work biography

'Ngirramanujuwal is one who adds colour.

'Walmajarri man Jimmy Pike (c. 1940–2002) manifests colour as strokes of ink on paper: the saturated hues of the desert sky at dusk, and the glimmers of the sun on the water’s surface. His vivid and exceptional drawing, painting and printing skills reveal the desert as a place teeming with colourful life, history and stories.

'Ngirramanujuwal: The Art and Country of Jimmy Pike is a specially curated selection of the internationally renowned artist’s work in the collection of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies collection. It invites the reader to journey through the Great Sandy Desert, experiencing the Walmajarri seasons – makurra, parranga, yitilal and jutalkarra – as revealed through Pike’s art and intimate relationship with Country.'  (Publication summary)

1 1 y separately published work icon Luwa Tara Luwa Waypa : Three Kangaroos Three Tasmanian Aboriginal Men Dave Mangenner Gough , Samantha Campbell (illustrator), Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2022 24486938 2022 single work picture book children's Indigenous story

'niyakara is leaving the village to hunt tara, kangaroo.

'On his mind is the chief's daughter, tuminana, who is at the water with the women, collecting shells and working.

'But down on the beach, niyakara hears three thuds...

boom boom boom

'With rhythmic intensity, luwa tara luwa waypa tells the captivating story of niyakara's journey from boy to man, a story of courage and transformation

'Dave mangenner Gough's powerful words and Samantha Campbell's expressive artwork bring to vivid life the ancestral spirit and enduring strength of the palawa people of Tasmania.'  (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon G Is for Gugunyal : A Dhurga Alphabet Book Leanne Brook , Leanne Brook (illustrator), Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2022 24479067 2022 single work picture book children's

'G is for Gugunyal: A Dhurga alphabet book helps new speakers pronounce the 24 sounds used in Dhurga language. It complements The Dhurga Dictionary and Learner’s Grammar: A south-east coast NSW Aboriginal language.

'Dhurga is one of four traditional languages of the south coast of New South Wales. It was spoken by Yuin (Yuwinj) people between Nowra and Narooma, and as far inland as Braidwood and Araluen. Our language connects us to our people and our physical world. Traditional languages are being reclaimed and spoken across Australia. Fragments of Dhurga were kept by Elders and in books. Dhurga was sleeping; but is now being taught, learned and spoken by Yuin people.

'The beautiful illustrations help readers to learn the 24 Dhurga sounds. They also introduce important land and marine animals, and other creatures of the south coast that are part of local creation and dreaming stories, and Lore.'  (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Milbi : Aboriginal Tales from Queensland's Endeavour River Tulo Gordon (illustrator), Tulo Gordon , John B. Haviland (translator), Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2021 Z668195 1979 selected work children's fiction children's Indigenous story

Fifteen Australian Aboriginal tales recalling the traditional beliefs and customs of the Guugu Yimidhirr people of Queensland. (Source: TROVE)

1 1 y separately published work icon Nomad Girl Nomad Girl : My Life on the Gibber Plains and beyond Kanakiya Myra Ah Chee , Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2021 23070636 2021 single work autobiography

'‘Oodnadatta Country – I can still see it, in my mind’s eye, exactly as it was back in my time. The ‘There are so many stories to tell of my life, and sometimes I think they are not of importance, but they are, because often it is the little details that are the most important. I still remember every detail. [Like] Oodnadatta Country – I can still see it, in my mind’s eye, exactly as it was back in my time. The Country still calls me back to where I was born, a very exposed and stony land, but I still love it. That’s where my spirit is.’

'Kanakiya Myra Ah Chee was born at Oodnadatta in remote South Australia in 1932. When her mother tragically died Myra was only eight. Her grieving father gathered up the remaining family and walked north – away from her childhood home. They spent years as nomads, travelling with the camels that were her father’s livelihood, up and down the Finke River. Her father sought work where and when he could, while he looked after his children, teaching them about the bush, their culture and life. It was a childhood of freedom, bush tucker, bush games, fires, stories at night and sleeping under the stars – at times idyllic but, at other times, terrifying and tragic. Myra’s father was a safe and reassuring presence, but when he decided education was the key to his children’s future, Myra’s life was changed forever.

'‘My family pulled all their strengths together from the bush life and from school education. We have shown how it is possible to be successful in life, bringing both sides of our cultures into line.''

Source : publisher's blurb

1 1 y separately published work icon Mawng Dictionary Ruth Singer , Nita Garidjalalug , Rosemary Urabadi , Heather Hewett , Peggy Mirwuma , Philip Ambidjambidj , Anne Fabricius , Acton : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2021 23061389 2021 reference information book 'Mawng is a language of western Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory of Australia. It is the main language of Warruwi community and is spoken by about 400 people of all generations. Mawng is associated with the islands of Warruwi and Weyirra (North and South Goulburn Islands) and an area of the mainland near the islands. The Mawng Dictionary is the most comprehensive ever published. It contains information about plants and animals, cultural practices, place names and kinship terms, including tri-relational kunteypi terms. There is an introduction to Mawng with explanations of the spelling system and kinship. It includes many illustrations, an English word finder, and lists of kinship terms, verb roots and scientific names for plants and animals.'
1 y separately published work icon Sorry and Beyond : Healing the Stolen Generations Brian Butler , John Bond , Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2021 21506385 2021 multi chapter work criticism

'Brian Butler's grandmother was taken from her family in 1910. She was 12 years old. Twenty years later her daughter, Brian's mother, was taken.

'Thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, like Brian Butler's, have been coping with the trauma of child removal for more than a century. Sorry and Beyond describes the growth of the grassroots movement that exposed the truth about Australias shameful removal policies and worked towards justice.

'Born in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, the movement was joined by nearly a million non-Indigenous Australians in the 1998 Sorry Day Journey of Healing campaigns which paved the way for the Federal Parliaments unanimous apology in 2008.

'Brian Butler and John Bond call on the Australian government and community to take further steps to help complete the journey of healing for Stolen Generations people, bring about real reconciliation and prevent the continuing separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families and communities.' (Publication summary)

1 5 y separately published work icon Black, White and Exempt Black, White and Exempt : Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lives under Exemption Lucinda Aberdeen (editor), Jennifer Jones (editor), Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2021 20969326 2021 anthology autobiography Indigenous story

'In 1957, Ella Simon of Purfleet mission near Taree, New South Wales, applied for and was granted a certificate of exemption. Exemption gave her legal freedoms denied to other Indigenous Australians at that time: she could travel freely, open a bank account, and live and work where she wanted. In the eyes of the law she became a non-Aboriginal, but in return she could not associate with other Aboriginal people even her own family or community.

'It 'stank in my nostrils' - Ella Simon 1978.

'These personal and often painful histories uncovered in archives, family stories and lived experiences reveal new perspectives on exemption. Black, White and Exempt describes the resourcefulness of those who sought exemption to obtain freedom from hardship and oppressive regulation of their lives as Aboriginal Australians. It celebrates their resilience and explores how they negotiated exemption to protect their families and increase opportunities for them. The book also charts exemptees who struggled to advance Aboriginal rights, resist state control and abolish the exemption system.

'Contributions by Lucinda Aberdeen, Katherine Ellinghaus, Ashlen Francisco, Jessica Horton, Karen Hughes, Jennifer Jones, Beth Marsden, John Maynard, Kella Robinson, Leonie Stevens and Judi Wickes.' (Publication summary)

1 3 y separately published work icon Redfern : Aboriginal Activism in the 1970s Johanna Perheentupa. , Acton : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2020 24558548 2020 multi chapter work criticism

'In the 1970s the run-down inner-city suburb of Redfern was a gathering place for Aboriginal intellectuals and ambitious young radicals. Having fled poverty and segregation in rural Australia in the 1950s and 60s, they set about fulfilling their vision – a new way of living, where Aboriginal people could control their own lives – politically, economically and culturally.

'Redfern: Aboriginal activism in the 1970s is the previously untold story of how they set about fulfilling their dreams. In a fast-paced burst of creativity and hard work, in just three years an Aboriginal health service, a housing cooperative, a legal service, a child care centre and a black theatre in Redfern were established. They had some support, and the promise of self-determination under the newly elected Whitlam's Labor government, but there was also abuse and discrimination. This is the story of how, with hard work, humour and vision, they prevailed to build organisations that have served as models for similar organisations all over Australia.'  (Publication summary)

1 1 y separately published work icon A Dictionary of Umpithamu : With Notes on Middle Paman Jean-Christophe Verstraete , Florrie Bassani , Elaine Liddy , Acton : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2020 20052524 2020 reference information book

'Umpithamu is a language of the Princess Charlotte Bay region on the east coast of Cape York Peninsula, in northeastern Australia. A Dictionary of Umpithamu, with notes on Middle Paman is the first comprehensive dictionary of a Cape York language to be published in over two decades.

'The dictionary provides detailed information about the grammar, meaning and use of Umpithamu words, generously illustrated with example sentences. All information can also be accessed through an index of English translations, organised alphabetically and thematically. 

'For users with more specific interests, like linguists, anthropologists and biologists, the dictionary further offers phonetic transcriptions, cognates and (Middle) Paman reconstructions for most words, as well as ethnographic notes and identifications of plant and animal species.' (Publication summary)

1 1 y separately published work icon Dhurga Dictionary and Learner's Grammar : A South-East Coast, NSW Aboriginal Language Patricia Ellis , Kerry Boyenga , Waine Donovan , Acton : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2020 20052368 2020 reference 'The Dhurga Dictionary and Learners Grammar: A South-East Coast NSW Aboriginal Language is an overdue and extremely valuable resource for the Dhurga speaking people of Yuin Country and of any person wanting to learn the traditional language. The Dhurga language is spoken from south of Nowra to Narooma and west to Braidwood and Araluen. This publication is the most concise compilation of the Dhurga language to date with over 730 words including informant and recorder details as validation of authenticity. The dictionary is user-friendly for all literacy levels and readers, it is the very first of its kind and in high demand.' (Publication summary)
1 y separately published work icon Ngiyampaa Wordworld : Thipingku Yuwi, Maka Ngiya, Names of Birds and Other Words Tamsin Donaldson , Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2020 19669516 2020 single work information book

'The Wangaaypuwan dialect of Ngiyampaa is the language of the Pilaarrkiyalu, Nhiilyikiyalu and Karulkiyalu people that come from the dry, riverless country of Western NSW. Some people still live in and around the ngurrampaa ‘homelands’ but many now live in larger towns and cities around NSW and other states and territories.

'Ngiyampaa Wordworld: Thipingku Yuwi, Maka Ngiya; Names of Birds and Other Words includes stories, example Sentences and songs. The second half of the dictionary is dedicated to bird names (and other words). The dictionary includes an English to Ngiyampaa finder list, which is also useful for looking up words in Ngiyampaa.

'Ngiyampaa Wordworld is part of the AIATSIS Indigenous Language Preservation: Dictionaries Project.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Paddy Compass Namadbara : Portrait of a Western Arnhem Land 'Clever Man' Ian White , Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2020 18879138 1996 single work biography 'Paddy Compass Namadbara, Portrait of a Western Arnhem Land Clever Man offers a unique perspective on the life and making of this Western Arnhem clever man or marrkidjbu.Born at the end of the 19th Century when the Western world had scarcely touched Arnhem Land, Paddy Compass Namadbara acted as a healer for his countrymen and became a powerful and revered leader. Using his clever abilities and wisdom to nurture his community, he enabled the community to deal with the cultural and social changes of the encroaching Western world. He achieved the reputation of being one of the most powerful and clever of traditional marrkidjbu described as 'a proper number one champion!' Based on stories told by people who had been helped, sometimes profoundly and in extraordinary ways by Paddy Compass, this unique biography looks at his life through the eyes of his Western Arnhem countrymen who witnessed his extraordinary abilities. Researcher Ian White encourages readers to give greater consideration to the reality of the extraordinary abilities of clever people such as Paddy Compass.' (Publication summary)
1 y separately published work icon Mudburra to English Dictionary Rebecca Green , Jenny Green , Amanda Hamilton-Hollaway , Felicity Meakins , David Osgarby , Rob Pensalfini , Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2019 17387868 2019 single work information book

'Mudburra is an Aboriginal language of the Northern Territory (Australia). Many Mudburra people live in Elliott, Marlinja, Yarralin and Kalkaringi. The Mudburra to English Dictionary contains Mudburra words with English translations, illustrations and detailed encyclopaedic information about plants, animals and cultural practices. Also included is a guide to Mudburra grammar, an English index and handsigns used by Mudburra people. This volume is ideal for both beginners and advanced speakers of Mudburra, for translators and interpreters, and for anyone interested in learning more about Mudburra language and culture.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Gurgun Mibinyah : Yugambeh, Ngarahngwal, Ngahnduwal : A Dictionary and Grammar of Mibiny Language Varieties from the Tweed Rivers Margaret Sharpe , Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 2019 17387726 2019 single work information book

'Gurgun Mibinyah (belonging to Mibiny speakers) is a dictionary of the northern varieties of the language Yugambeh-Bundjalung, or Bandjalangic, spoken from the Tweed River area of the northeast corner of New South Wales to the Logan River area in the Gold Coast area of southern Queensland. Other dialects of this language exist down to the Clarence River, and west to Allora and Warwick. All varieties of the language, including the Mibinyah varieties, have dropped out of regular use in the area. However, there are rich written records dating from the nineteenth century into the first half of the twentieth century. There are also audio recordings from some areas from the later twentieth century. Speakers, partial speakers and ‘rememberers’ remain, and a few words are commonly used by local English speakers.

'This dictionary covers the area where the original word for an Aboriginal person in the whole language (baygal) has been replaced by mibiny. Gurgun Mibinyah (Language / Words of the Mibiny) contains words found in these varieties of the language with English translations, available examples sentences that illustrate their use, and a section including plants and animals. There is also a guide to the grammar, and an English word index. This volume is ideal for descendants of the original speakers as well as for any others interested in learning more about the traditional language of this area.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.