y separately published work icon Australian Book Review periodical issue  
Alternative title: ABR
Issue Details: First known date: 2008... no. 307 December 2008 of Australian Book Review est. 1961 Australian Book Review
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* Contents derived from the , 2008 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Vale Jacob Rosenberg (1922-2008) [and] Vale Ivan Southall (1921-2008), single work obituary (p. 1)
Ten Weeks in America, Morag Fraser , single work column (p. 7-8)
To the Last Man, Nicholas Brown , single work review
— Review of Andrew Fisher : Prime Minister of Australia David Day , 2008 single work biography ;
(p. 11-12)
The Person Defying the Group, Ian Britain , single work review
— Review of Robert Helpmann : A Servant of Art Anna Bemrose , 2008 single work biography ;
(p. 13-14)
Get over Him!, Brian Stoddart , single work review
— Review of Jack Fingleton : The Man Who Stood up to Bradman Greg Growden , 2008 single work biography ;
(p. 14-15)
The Importance of Being Kenneth, Brenda Niall , single work review
— Review of The Many Lives of Kenneth Myer Sue Ebury , 2008 single work biography ;
(p. 16-17)
Nocturnali"It's midnight now and sounds like midnight then,", Stephen Edgar , single work poetry (p. 17)
Best Books of the Year, Judith Armstrong , Judith Beveridge , Geoffrey Blainey , Neal Blewett , James Bradley , Ian Britain , Alison Broinowski , Glyn Davis , Ian Donaldson , Delia Falconer , Morag Fraser , Anna Goldsworthy , Fiona Gruber , Nicholas Jose , Beverley Kingston , James Ley , Patrick McCaughey , Brian McFarlane , Peter Pierce , Dorothy Porter , Angus Trumble , Geordie Williamson , single work column
Australian writers and reviewers each nominate their best books of 2008. Some of the books listed are by Australian writers.
(p. 21-25)
Best Books of 2008 : Young Adult and Children's Books, Will Kostakis , Maya Linden , Pam Macintyre , Nigel Pearn , Stephanie Owen Reeder , Ruth Starke , single work column
Australian writers and reviewers each nominate their best children's and youg adult books of 2008. Some of the books listed are by Australian writers.
(p. 27)
Hope Was in the Air - A Year in America, Stuart Macintyre , single work prose
Stuart Macintyre reflects on his year as professor of Australian Studies at Harvard University.
(p. 28-30)
A Garden of Forking Paths, Jeffrey Poacher , single work review
— Review of The Best Australian Stories 2008 2008 anthology short story ;
(p. 34-35)
A Rather Broad Filter, Christina Hill , single work review
— Review of Families : Modern Australian Short Stories 2008 anthology short story ;
(p. 36)
'This Child, No More', Peter Pierce , single work review
— Review of To Light Attained : A Novel Morris Lurie , 2008 single work novel ;
(p. 37)
Flinty Connections, Kate McFadyen , single work review
— Review of Tender Morsels Margo Lanagan , 2008 single work novel ;
(p. 38)
Arfstrayans All, Jay Daniel Thompson , single work review
— Review of The Trip : An Odyssey George Papaellinas , 2008 single work novel ;
(p. 39)
Down the Moral Slippery Slide, Carmel Shute , single work review
— Review of Dreamland Tom Gilling , 2008 single work novel ;
(p. 40)
[Review] Superior Saturday, Benjamin Chandler , single work review
— Review of Superior Saturday Garth Nix , 2008 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 41)
[Review] Taking Off, Hannah Kent , single work review
— Review of Taking Off Matt Howard , 2008 single work novel ;
(p. 41)
[Review] The Forgotten Garden, Lisa Bennett , single work review
— Review of The Forgotten Garden Kate Morton , 2008 single work novel ;
(p. 41)
Biographer of Words, Sarah Ogilvie , single work review
— Review of Speaking Our Language : The Story of Australian English Bruce Moore , 2008 single work criticism ;
(p. 42-43)