Issue Details: First known date: 1979... 1979 Voci Nostre : Antologia Italo-Australiana di Novelle, Commedie, Poesie e Ricordi / Scritta da Emigrati Italo-Australiani / a Cura di G.L. Abiuse, M. Giglio, V. Borghese.
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* Contents derived from the Brighton Beach, Brighton - Moorabbin area, Melbourne - Inner South, Melbourne, Victoria,:Tusculum , 1979 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Una Mese a Bonegilla, Nino Randazzo , single work short story (p. 7-12)
Il Cugino Arturo, Ottorino Rizzo , single work short story (p. 13-18)
L'Attesa, Osvaldo Maione , single work drama (p. 19-24)
Note: Italian only in this publication.
Attacatti al Tram, Ottorino Rizzo , single work short story (p. 26-28)
Il Poeta Pugliese, Valerio Borghese , single work short story (p. 29-32)
Vulcano, Fenisia Giglio , single work short story (p. 33-35)
La Belva, Sandro Monese , single work short story (p. 36-42)
The Gift Voucher, Michele Giglio , single work short story humour (p. 44-46)
La Bottega, Charles D'Aprano , single work short story (p. 47-48)
Pacioccone, Joe Abiuso , single work short story (p. 49-54)
Bitch : One Act Play, Osvaldo Maione , single work drama

A story about people living within two cultures. It is a light comedy that makes serious statements that mirror the conflicts with which ethnic-Australians are faced.

(p. 55-65)
I Faloi"S'alzano al cielo i falo'", Joe Abiuso , single work poetry (p. 67)
Scende La Sera a Sorrento (Victoria)i"Scende la sera", Joe Abiuso , single work poetry (p. 67-68)
Tonon di Carltoni"Ascoltavo il vecchio Tonon", Joe Abiuso , single work poetry (p. 68)
In Cimai"alla roccia di quarzo rosa", Giovanni Andreoni , single work poetry (p. 68)
Dafnii"Prima di lu tempu", Salvatore Chirico , single work poetry (p. 69)
Terra Rossa Bruciatai"alberi bianchi", Giovanni Andreoni , single work poetry (p. 69)
Ti Tocco con la Manoi"nera fanciulla di velluto", Giovanni Andreoni , single work poetry (p. 69)
I Dieci Comandamenti Dell'Emigrantei"Da oggi in poi sugni la to Patria", Salvatore Chirico , single work poetry (p. 70-71)
Armidale, Gennaio 1967i"Sotto un caldo sole", Mariano Coreno , single work poetry (p. 71)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Language: Italian

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