School of Indigenous Knowledge Systems


Critical Indigenous Writing (CIW260) Semester 2 / 2016
Foundations Of Creative Writing (CIW100) Semester 1 / 2016
Introduction to Yolngu Languages and Culture (CAS110) Semester 1, Semester 2 / 2011
Introduction to Yolngu Languages and Culture (CAS110) Semester 1, Semester 2 / 2012
Personal Narratives (CIW220) Semester 1 / 2015
Personal Narratives (CIW220) Semester 1 / 2016
Short Story Writing (CIW210) Semester 1 / 2015
Short Story Writing (CIW210) Semester 1 / 2016
Writing For Short Film (CIW250) Semester 2 / 2015
Writing Poetry (CIW230) Semester 1 / 2016
Writing Project (CIW370) Semester 2 / 2015
Writing Project (CIW270) Semester 2 / 2016
Writing Project (CIW370) Semester 2 / 2016
Writing for Short Film (CIW250) Semester 2 / 2016
Writing for Stage (CIW240) Semester 2 / 2016
Yolngu Languages and Culture 2 (CAS111) Semester 1, Semester 2 / 2011
Yolngu Languages and Culture 2 (CAS111) Semester 1, Semester 2 / 2012
Yolngu Life And Literature (CAS205) Semester 1 / 2011
Yolngu Life And Literature (CAS205) Semester 1 / 2012
Yolngu Texts and Conversations 2 (CAS305) Semester 1 / 2011
Yolngu Texts and Conversations 2 (CAS305) Semester 1 / 2012