Terra Australis single work   poetry   "Voyage within you, on the fabled ocean,"
  • Author:agent James McAuley http://www.poetrylibrary.edu.au/poets/mcauley-james
Issue Details: First known date: 1942... 1942 Terra Australis
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All Publication Details

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Southerly vol. 3 no. 3 December 1942 Z589391 1942 periodical issue 1942 pg. 14
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Jindyworobak Anthology, 1943 Flexmore Hudson (editor), 1943 Z208978 1943 periodical issue 1943 pg. 20
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Australian Poetry 1944 R. G. Howarth (editor), Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1945 Z171208 1945 anthology poetry Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1945 pg. 59
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Under Aldebaran James McAuley , Melbourne : Melbourne University Press , 1946 Z137901 1946 selected work poetry Melbourne : Melbourne University Press , 1946 pg. 51
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon An Anthology of Australian Verse George Mackaness (editor), Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1952 6472657 1952 anthology poetry Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1952 pg. 208-209
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Penguin Book of Australian Verse John Thompson (editor), Kenneth Slessor (editor), R. G. Howarth (editor), Harmondsworth : Penguin , 1958 Z1013022 1958 anthology poetry Harmondsworth : Penguin , 1958 pg. 228-229
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Symphony for Voices : To Poems by James McAuley James McAuley , Malcolm Williamson (composer), London : Josef Weinberger , 1962 Z1303294 1962 single work lyric/song London : Josef Weinberger , 1962
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon James McAuley James McAuley , Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1963 Z137188 1963 selected work poetry Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1963 pg. 1
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Vision Vision : A Magazine of the Arts, Science and Australiana vol. 1 no. 2 1963 Z595889 1963 periodical issue 1963 pg. 47
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Collected Poems 1936-1970 James McAuley , Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1971 Z136303 1971 selected work poetry Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1971 pg. 16
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Penguin Book of Australian Verse Harry Payne Heseltine (editor), Ringwood Harmondsworth : Penguin , 1972 Z334403 1972 anthology poetry Selection of works by Australian poets from Charles Harpur (1813-1868) to Charles Buckmaster (b. 1951). Ringwood Harmondsworth : Penguin , 1972 pg. 291
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Australian Poems in Perspective : A Collection of Poems and Critical Commentaries P. K. Elkin (editor), St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 1978 Z365352 1978 anthology poetry criticism biography St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 1978 pg. 162
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Jindyworobaks Brian Elliott (editor), St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 1979 Z354916 1979 anthology poetry criticism extract St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 1979 pg. 168-169
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Cross-Country : A Book of Australian Verse John Barnes (editor), Brian McFarlane (editor), Richmond : Heinemann , 1984 Z900285 1984 anthology poetry (taught in 1 units) Richmond : Heinemann , 1984 pg. 133
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon My Country : Australian Poetry and Short Stories, Two Hundred Years Leonie Kramer (editor), Sydney : Lansdowne , 1985 Z1067493 1985 anthology poetry short story Sydney : Lansdowne , 1985 pg. 461
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The New Oxford Book of Australian Verse Les Murray (editor), Melbourne : Oxford University Press , 1986 Z427532 1986 anthology poetry Melbourne : Oxford University Press , 1986 pg. 205
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Anthology of Australian Religious Poetry Les Murray (editor), Blackburn : Collins Dove , 1986 Z212505 1986 anthology poetry Blackburn : Collins Dove , 1986 pg. 55
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Two Centuries of Australian Poetry Mark O'Connor (editor), Melbourne : Oxford University Press , 1988 Z322247 1988 anthology poetry criticism Contains poems grouped into 18 thematic sections (19 in 2nd. ed.) ; each section has an introduction, notes and suggestions for study activities and further study. Biographical notes on authors and indexes also included. Melbourne : Oxford University Press , 1988 pg. 69
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon James McAuley : Poetry, Essays and Personal Commentary James McAuley , Leonie Kramer (editor), St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 1988 Z372595 1988 selected work poetry prose criticism biography bibliography (taught in 1 units)

    This first comprehensive selection of McAuley's prose and verse is arranged by the editor, McAuley's friend and colleague Leonie Kramer, into eight sections, 'each representing aspects of James McAuley's interests and experience ... Within each section the poetry is chronologically arranged; the prose is introduced in such a way as to suggest the relationship between McAuley's poetic preoccupations and his critical and intellectual position.' (Note pp.xxix-xxx). Each section is accompanied by a brief editorial note and extensive end-notes, including McAuley's own notes.

    St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 1988
    pg. 65
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Cross-Country : A Book of Australian Verse John Barnes (editor), Brian McFarlane (editor), Richmond : Heinemann , 1984 Z900285 1984 anthology poetry (taught in 1 units) Richmond : Heinemann Education Australia , 1988 pg. 133
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Macmillan Anthology of Australian Literature Ken L. Goodwin (editor), Alan Lawson (editor), South Melbourne : Macmillan , 1990 Z535337 1990 anthology criticism correspondence extract poetry drama biography short story prose humour satire travel

    'Poems, stories, letters and extracts from novels, plays and journals present a great variety of responses to Australia and to the art of writing. Items have been arranged into 12 groupings that reflect different ways of seeing the material of Australian writing. Each section has its own introduction. Problems are explained, theories and contexts for a wider understanding are offered. The book includes biographical guides to all authors and a full chronological table of events in the literary history of Australia.'   (Publication summary)

    South Melbourne : Macmillan , 1990
    pg. 309-310
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Australian Poetry in the Twentieth Century Robert Gray (editor), Geoffrey Lehmann (editor), Port Melbourne : Heinemann , 1991 Z27032 1991 anthology poetry Port Melbourne : Heinemann , 1991 pg. 179
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Collected Poems James McAuley , Pymble : Angus and Robertson , 1994 Z37758 1994 collected work poetry Pymble : Angus and Robertson , 1994 pg. 21
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Fivefathers : Five Australian Poets of the Pre-Academic Era Les Murray (editor), Manchester : Carcanet , 1994 Z276076 1994 anthology poetry Manchester : Carcanet , 1994 pg. 134-135
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The New Oxford Book of Australian Verse Les Murray (editor), Melbourne : Oxford University Press , 1986 Z427532 1986 anthology poetry South Melbourne : Oxford University Press , 1996 pg. 203-204
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Arnold Anthology of Post-Colonial Literatures in English John Thieme (editor), London : Arnold , 1996 Z818232 1996 selected work extract poetry short story London : Arnold , 1996 pg. 194
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Sunlines : An Anthology of Poetry to Celebrate Australia's Harmony in Diversity Anne Fairbairn (editor), Canberra : Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs , 2002 Z948024 2002 anthology poetry Canberra : Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs , 2002 pg. 51
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Australian Poetry Library APRIL; APL; The Australian Poetry Resources Internet Library John Tranter , Sydney : 2004- Z1368099 2004- website

    'The Australian Poetry Library (APL) aims to promote a greater appreciation and understanding of Australian poetry by providing access to a wide range of poetic texts as well as to critical and contextual material relating to them, including interviews, photographs and audio/visual recordings.

    This website currently contains over 42,000 poems, representing the work of more than 170 Australian poets. All the poems are fully searchable, and may be accessed and read freely on the World Wide Web. Readers wishing to download and print poems may do so for a small fee, part of which is returned to the poets via CAL, the Copyright Agency Limited. Teachers, students and readers of Australian poetry can also create personalised anthologies, which can be purchased and downloaded. Print on demand versions will be availabe from Sydney University Press in the near future.

    It is hoped that the APL will encourage teachers to use more Australian material in their English classes, as well as making Australian poetry much more available to readers in remote and regional areas and overseas. It will also help Australian poets, not only by developing new audiences for their work but by allowing them to receive payment for material still in copyright, thus solving the major problem associated with making this material accessible on the Internet.

    The Australian Poetry Library is a joint initiative of the University of Sydney and the Copyright Agency Limited (CAL). Begun in 2004 with a prototype site developed by leading Australian poet John Tranter, the project has been funded by a major Linkage Grant from the Australian Research Council (ARC), CAL and the University of Sydney Library. A team of researchers from the University of Sydney, led by Professor Elizabeth Webby and John Tranter, in association with CAL, have developed the Australian Poetry Library as a permanent and wide-ranging Internet archive of Australian poetry resources.' Source: www.poetrylibrary.edu.au (Sighted 30/05/2011).

    Sydney : 2004-
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Two Centuries of Australian Poetry Kathrine Bell (editor), Smithfield : Gary Allen , 2007 Z1472336 2007 anthology poetry Smithfield : Gary Allen , 2007 pg. 206
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Macquarie PEN Anthology of Australian Literature Nicholas Jose (editor), Kerryn Goldsworthy (editor), Anita Heiss (editor), David McCooey (editor), Peter Minter (editor), Nicole Moore (editor), Elizabeth Webby (editor), Crows Nest : Allen and Unwin , 2009 Z1590615 2009 anthology correspondence diary drama essay extract poetry prose short story (taught in 23 units)

    'Some of the best, most significant writing produced in Australia over more than two centuries is gathered in this landmark anthology. Covering all genres - from fiction, poetry and drama to diaries, letters, essays and speeches - the anthology maps the development of one of the great literatures in English in all its energy and variety.

    'The writing reflects the diverse experiences of Australians in their encounter with their extraordinary environment and with themselves. This is literature of struggle, conflict and creative survival. It is literature of lives lived at the extremes, of frontiers between cultures, of new dimensions of experience, where imagination expands.

    'This rich, informative and entertaining collection charts the formation of an Australian voice that draws inventively on Indigenous words, migrant speech and slang, with a cheeky, subversive humour always to the fore. For the first time, Aboriginal writings are interleaved with other English-language writings throughout - from Bennelong's 1796 letter to the contemporary flowering of Indigenous fiction and poetry - setting up an exchange that reveals Australian history in stark new ways.

    'From vivid settler accounts to haunting gothic tales, from raw protest to feisty urban satire and playful literary experiment, from passionate love poetry to moving memoir, the Macquarie PEN Anthology of Australian Literature reflects the creative eloquence of a society.

    'Chosen by a team of expert editors, who have provided illuminating essays about their selections, and with more than 500 works from over 300 authors, it is an authoritative survey and a rich world of reading to be enjoyed.' (Publisher's blurb)

    Allen and Unwin have a YouTube channel with a number of useful videos on the Anthology.

    Crows Nest : Allen and Unwin , 2009
    pg. 619-620
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Antipodes : Poetic Responses Margaret Bradstock (editor), Putney : Phoenix Education , 2011 Z1760960 2011 anthology poetry extract Antipodes, representing poets born between 1790 and 1983, provides a wonderful introduction to the changing views of Australia and its history over the past two hundred years as well as to the excellent poetry that is part of our heritage. -- Emeritus Professor Elizabeth Webby (from the Foreword) Putney : Phoenix Education , 2011 pg. 32
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Australian Poetry Since 1788 Geoffrey Lehmann (editor), Robert Gray (editor), Sydney : University of New South Wales Press , 2011 Z1803846 2011 anthology poetry (taught in 1 units) 'A good poem is one that the world can’t forget or is delighted to rediscover. This landmark anthology of Australian poetry, edited by two of Australia’s foremost poets, Geoffrey Lehmann and Robert Gray, contains such poems. It is the first of its kind for Australia and promises to become a classic. Included here are Australia’s major poets, and lesser-known but equally affecting ones, and all manifestations of Australian poetry since 1788, from concrete poems to prose poems, from the cerebral to the naïve, from the humorous to the confessional, and from formal to free verse. Translations of some striking Aboriginal song poems are one of the high points. Containing over 1000 poems from 170 Australian poets, as well as short critical biographies, this careful reevaluation of Australian poetry makes this a superb book that can be read and enjoyed over a lifetime.' (From the publisher's website.) Sydney : University of New South Wales Press , 2011 pg. 447-448
Language: Esperanto
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Australia Antologio Alan Towsey (editor), Pisa : Edistudio , 1988 Z1200264 1988 anthology poetry novel prose short story Anthology of poems and extracts from literary works by Australian authors, translated by various people into Esperanto. Works have been indexed if the extract could be positively identified. Other translations include the works of Charles Harpur, Rolf Boldrewood, Henry Kendall, Joseph Furphy, Marcus Clarke, Henry Lawson, Steele Rudd, Christopher Brennan, Walter Murdoch, C. E. W. Bean, Frank Dalby Davison, R. D. Fitzgerald, Douglas Stewart, David Campbell, Donald Horne, Dick Roughsey, Peter Carey, Robert Drewe, Andrew Lansdown and Peter Dodds McCormick. Pisa : Edistudio , 1988 pg. 309-310
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