'This volume is the last of a series of life histories of Aboriginal me n and women from the East Kimberley compiled by Bruce Shaw. As its subtitle indicates, the book provides perspectives of Aboriginal life before the full impact of the initiatives and reforms of the Whitlam and Fraser governments. As the older people interviewed by Shaw in this book are no w deceased, When the Dust Come in Between forms a record of times no w passed; hard times to be sure, but times which man y of the storytellers look back upon with wistfulness and longing.' (Introduction)
'This volume is the last of a series of life histories of Aboriginal me n and women from the East Kimberley compiled by Bruce Shaw. As its subtitle indicates, the book provides perspectives of Aboriginal life before the full impact of the initiatives and reforms of the Whitlam and Fraser governments. As the older people interviewed by Shaw in this book are no w deceased, When the Dust Come in Between forms a record of times no w passed; hard times to be sure, but times which man y of the storytellers look back upon with wistfulness and longing.' (Introduction)