Date: 29 Nov 1843
Date: 11 Oct 1843 Note: John McEncroe edited the Morning Chronicle from 11 October 1843, continuing from the Australasian Chronicle. He announced his departure in the issue of 25 November 1843.
Issue Details: First known date: 1843-1847... 1843-1847 The Morning Chronicle
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Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

First known date: 1843-1847
    • Sydney, New South Wales,: Michael D'Arcy , .
      • Sydney: Printed and published by MICHAEL D'ARCY, of George-street, at the Chronicle Office, George-street. (Vol. 1 no. 1 11 October 1843)

Works about this Work

Ourselves 1845 single work column
— Appears in: The Morning Chronicle , 6 September vol. 2 no. 201 1845; (p. 2)
Renewal of the Year i "Says Brother Chronicle, with aspect grave,", 'Chronos' , 1844 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Sydney Morning Herald , 9 January vol. 17 no. 2075 1844; (p. 2)
'On the Australian Chronicle's [sic] claim that 1844 is a "renovated year".' (Webby)
To the Readers of the Chronicle 1843 single work column
— Appears in: The Morning Chronicle , 23 December vol. 1 no. 22 1843; (p. 2)
[Untitled] 1843 single work column
— Appears in: The Morning Chronicle , 29 November vol. 1 no. 15 1843; (p. 2)
A Word at Parting to Our Friends and Subscribers [John McEncroe] , 1843 single work column
— Appears in: The Morning Chronicle , 25 November vol. 1 no. 14 1843; (p. 2)
[Untitled] 1843 single work column
— Appears in: The Morning Chronicle , 11 October vol. 1 no. 1 1843; (p. 2)
[Untitled] E. G. E. , 1843 single work correspondence
— Appears in: The Morning Chronicle , 14 October vol. 1 no. 2 1843; (p. 2)
Newspaper Proprietorship 1843 single work column
— Appears in: The Morning Chronicle , 18 October vol. 1 no. 3 1843; (p. 2)
A Word at Parting to Our Friends and Subscribers [John McEncroe] , 1843 single work column
— Appears in: The Morning Chronicle , 25 November vol. 1 no. 14 1843; (p. 2)
[Untitled] 1843 single work column
— Appears in: The Morning Chronicle , 29 November vol. 1 no. 15 1843; (p. 2)

PeriodicalNewspaper Details

ISSN: 1837-3402
Published twice a week, on Wednesday and Saturday. (vol. 1 no. 1 11 October 1843)
New ser. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Wednesday, Oct. 11, 1843)-v. 3, no. 286 (Wednesday, July 8, 1846)
The Australasian Chronicle
Continued by:
The Sydney Chronicle
10s. per quarter, or £2 per annum - in advance. 12s. 6d. per quarter, or £2 10s. per annum - on credit (Vol. 1 no. 1 11 October 1843)
Terms of Subscription '... from the 1st of April[ 1845] ... Ten shillings per quarter for the City, and Ten shillings and Sixpence per quarter for the country.' (Vol. 2 no. 173 31 May 1845)

3s. for 8 lines and under, and 1s. per inch for every additional inch, each insertion.

Advertisers should mark on each advertisement the number of insertions required; otherwise they are continued till countermanded. Orders to discontinue or alter advertisements must be sent in before six o'clock on the evenings of Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday; but new advertisements are received till six o'clock on the evening before publication.-All instructions must be given in writing, and all letters post paid.

(Vol. 1 no. 1 11 October 1843)

Publisher varies
Issue for 11 October, 1843 also continues the numbering of the previous title: 'Vol. 5 no. 603 {Original Series'.
Circulated throughout New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land, South Australia, New Zealand and India; and in England, Scotland, and Ireland. (Vol. 1 no. 1 11 October 1843)
'Those whose names appeared in the imprint of the late Australasian Chronicle as duly accredited Agents, are requested, and hereby authorised, to collect all Accounts due, in their respective districts, to The Morning Chronicle, from the 1st of October instant. Mr. Thomas Higgins is anthorised to collect the accounts for Sydney, and he will give receipts, signed by Mr. Michael D'Arcy, the Publisher of the Chronicle.' (Vol.1 no.1 11 October 1843): 2.

Epigraph: 'Be just and fear not:/ Let all the ends thou aim'st at be thy country's,/ Thy God's, and truth's.' - Shakespeare.

The epigraph, continued from the Australasian Chronicle, appears above the editorial from vol. 1 no. 1 11 October 1843.

Published in the United Kingdonm by Mr. Jones, 63, Paternoster row,London Mr. W. J. Battersby, 5, Essex-bridge, Parliament-street, Dublin. (Vol. 1 no. 1 11 October 1843)
'NOTICE OF REMOVAL. OUR Subscribers and Friends are respectfully informed that The Morning Chronicle will in future be printed and published in Bridge-street, Sydney, on the premises late The Australian Newspaper Office, Colonnade, where, in future, all communications are to be addressed. Oct. 20. 1843.' (vol. 1 no. 4 21 October 1843)
NOTICE OF REMOVAL. OUR SUBSCRIBERS and FRIENDS are respectfully informed, that the Morning Chronicle Office has been REMOVED from No. 17, Bridge-street, to No. 22, Charlotte Place, late the residence of C. W. Roemer, Esq., where all communications are in future to be addressed. Chronicle Office, January 14, 1845. (vol. 2 No. 134 15 January 1845)
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