image of person or book cover 3910276152116602731.jpg
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y separately published work icon Dark Places single work   novel  
Issue Details: First known date: 1994... 1994 Dark Places
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

This is Albion Gidley Singer at the pen, locked in behind his mahogany, filling the silence around himself with the busy squeak of the nib across the paper. I will begin when I always like to begin, with a fact. Once upon a time, there was a man and his daughter, all was well.

Albion Gidley Singer appears an entirely proper man: husband, father, pillar of the community. But he is a hollow man, and within him are frightened and frightening dark places from which spring loathing and fear of female flesh. And, finally, the kind of violence that might call itself love.

It is through the eyes of Albion Gidley Singer that the world is seen and in his voice that the story is told, and it is a voice that never suffers from self-doubt. He can never know, as the reader does, that his view of the world is grotesquely distorted by his damaged self. Kate Grenville has written a disturbing, shocking and darkly funny novel that resonated in the mind with the truth of great writing. Dark Places is a literary triumph.


  • Dedication: for Isobel


* Contents derived from the Melbourne, Victoria,:Text Publishing , 2012 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Introduction, Louise Adler , essay

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

    • Sydney, New South Wales,: Macmillan , 1994 .
      image of person or book cover 3910276152116602731.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Extent: 375p.
      ISBN: 0732907896
    • London,
      United Kingdom (UK),
      Western Europe, Europe,
      Picador ,
      1994 .
      image of person or book cover 1111981286209916927.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Extent: 375p.
      ISBN: 0330335499
    • New York (City), New York (State),
      United States of America (USA),
      Harcourt Brace ,
      1994 .
      image of person or book cover 7641559859474364591.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Alternative title: Albion's Story
      Extent: 375p.
      Edition info: 1st U.S. ed.
    • Sydney, New South Wales,: Picador , 1995 .
      image of person or book cover 955469984091261144.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Extent: 375p.
      ISBN: 0330356410 (pbk.)
    • Melbourne, Victoria,: Text Publishing , 2009 .
      image of person or book cover 9172035716865884772.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Extent: 331p.
      ISBN: 9781921351297

Other Formats

  • Also sound recording, large print.

Works about this Work

Cannibalism and Colonialism : Lilian's Story and (White) Women's Belonging Laura Deane , 2014 single work criticism
— Appears in: JASAL , vol. 14 no. 3 2014;

'In 1985, when Kate Grenville’s novel about a fat, unlovely bag lady appeared on the Australian literary landscape, Lilian’s Story was celebrated as a feminist and postcolonial text. By locating Lilian as ex-centric to the nation, to inhabit the abjected zones of the colony—the bush, the asylum, the streets of post-Federation Sydney—Grenville is commonly read as a feminist writer intervening into the gender politics that shaped Australia. Feminists celebrate the ways in which she carves out discursive spaces for women who have existed largely in the interstices between public memory and official history. Postcolonial critical interpretations of Lilian being ‘colonised’ by her father, provoked by the rape narrative, have tended to reproduce the postcolonial trope of Australia’s shift from a colonial relationship to a national structure. Such readings largely neglect the colonial violence of Australian patriarchy, and the skewed gender norms that result when a host culture is transplanted to an imperial outpost. Taking up the colonial metaphor structuring the relationship between Lilian and her father, I read Lilian’s ‘madness’ as a response to discourses of ‘race’ and gender that circulate in the colonial Imaginary to position women as the site for racial anxiety about colonial ‘dirt’, contamination and disorder. While Lilian approaches the rebellious female grotesque celebrated in postcolonial feminist theorising, her obese body also signifies the devouring nature of colonialism. This paper engages with the white politics of women’s ‘belonging’ inscribed in Lilian’s Story to disinter the schizoid nature of white women’s relationship to colonial patriarchy.' (Publication abstract)

Books That Changed Me...Ben Strout Ben Strout , 2013 single work column
— Appears in: The Sun-Herald , 24 March 2013; (p. 12)
[Review] Dark Places Estelle Tang , 2012 single work review
— Appears in: The Lifted Brow , no. 14 2012; (p. 24)

— Review of Dark Places Kate Grenville , 1994 single work novel
Books of the Week Lizzie Stafford , 2012 single work review
— Appears in: The Sunday Mail , 29 April 2012; (p. 37)

— Review of Dark Places Kate Grenville , 1994 single work novel ; Am I Black Enough for You? Anita Heiss , 2012 single work autobiography
Katherine Howell : The Books that Changed Me Katherine Howell , 2012 single work column
— Appears in: The Sun-Herald , 18 March 2012; (p. 7)
Second Look Peter Craven , 2005 single work review
— Appears in: The Sunday Age , 14 August 2005; (p. 18)

— Review of Dark Places Kate Grenville , 1994 single work novel
Review Ian Nichols , 2008 single work review
— Appears in: The West Australian , 18 April 2008; (p. 40)

— Review of The Changeling Sean Williams , 2008 single work novel ; Hard Jacka Michael Lawriwsky , 2007 single work biography ; Dark Places Kate Grenville , 1994 single work novel
Australian Horror Bill Congreve , 1995 single work review
— Appears in: Sirius , September no. 10 1995; (p. 47-53)

— Review of The Empty Beach Peter Corris , 1983 single work novel ; A Place to Fear G. M. Hague , 1994 single work novel ; Darkland Sean Thomas O'Brien , 1995 single work novel ; Ghost Beyond Earth G. M. Hague , 1993 single work novel ; Circle of Light Martin Middleton , 1990 single work novel ; Ghost Beyond Earth G. M. Hague , 1993 single work novel ; Revenge of the Revenant Paul Michael Christison , 1994 single work novel ; Jenny's Dance Bruce Kaplan , 1989 single work novel ; Dark Places Kate Grenville , 1994 single work novel ; The Mischief Makers Rosemary Barnes , 1993 single work novel ; The House That Jack Built Veronica Hart , 1993 single work novel
Books Read Recently Bruce Gillespie , 1996 single work review
— Appears in: Scratch Pad 18 , July 1996; (p. 4-6)

— Review of Distress Greg Egan , 1995 single work novel ; The Memory Cathedral : A Secret History of Leonardo da Vinci Jack Dann , 1995 single work novel ; Permutation City Greg Egan , 1994 single work novel ; Eccentrics : The Scientific Investigation David Joseph Weeks , 1988 single work essay ; Old School Tie Paul Thomas , 1994 single work novel ; Lilian's Story Kate Grenville , 1985 single work novel ; Dark Places Kate Grenville , 1994 single work novel
Books of the Week Lizzie Stafford , 2012 single work review
— Appears in: The Sunday Mail , 29 April 2012; (p. 37)

— Review of Dark Places Kate Grenville , 1994 single work novel ; Am I Black Enough for You? Anita Heiss , 2012 single work autobiography
Gao bie ji jin nu quan zhu yi-Ping Kaite Gelunweier de xioa shuo Hei an zhi di yu Wan mei zhu yi Reflection of Kate Grenville's Radical Feminism : An Interpretation of Dark Places and The Idea of Perfection; 告别激进女权主义——评凯特·格伦维尔的小说《黑暗之地》与《完美主义》 Wang Liping , 2006 single work criticism
— Appears in: Foreign Literature Studies , August vol. 28 no. 120 2006; (p. 103-107)


Source: CAOD.

How To Occupy the Mind of a Monster Kate Grenville , 2008 single work column
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 26-27 April 2008; (p. 8-9)
Theorising the Madwoman : Fictocritical Incursions - A Performance Laura Deane , 2010 single work criticism
— Appears in: TEXT : The Journal of the Australian Association of Writing Programs , October vol. 14 no. 2 2010;
'‘Theorising the madwoman : fictocritical incursions - a performance’ is an intervention into the politics of naming and writing about women’s madness in literature. Using fictocritical tactics, this article stages a dialogue between the madwoman and the critic to make visible ‘the fiction of the disembodied scholar’ deployed in textual criticism. Sometimes speaking as the madwoman, sometimes as the feminist critic, I aim to destabilise the voice of the objective scholar, while continuing to lay some claim to it. Polyvocal in arrangement, discordant and offbeat in its strategies, and fictocritical in its tactics and stylistics, this article is an incursion into, rather than an interpretation of, women’s madness. Using a hybrid of fictional strategies, feminist scholarship, and personal experience, I allow the madwoman to interrupt, challenge and resist the interpretive project, by careening into it. Provisional, disorderly and subversive, fictocriticism offers a way of thinking through, rather than thinking about women’s madness. It seems particularly suited to an investigation of the madwoman in literature, as it dramatises the very disorder and instability the madwoman is said to embody.' (Author's abstract)
Interview with Kate Grenville on Dark Places Michelle Weisz , Anna Bang , 1999 single work interview
— Appears in: Southerly , Spring-Summer vol. 59 no. 3-4 1999; (p. 180-184)
Katherine Howell : The Books that Changed Me Katherine Howell , 2012 single work column
— Appears in: The Sun-Herald , 18 March 2012; (p. 7)
Last amended 28 Jan 2025 11:38:25