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y separately published work icon The Multiple Effects of Rainshadow single work   novel   historical fiction  
Issue Details: First known date: 1996... 1996 The Multiple Effects of Rainshadow
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'Tracing the lead-up to and aftermath of a bloody showdown when the superintendent of a Queensland mission goes on a murderous rampage.

'In 1930 the superintendent of a mission on a Queensland island, driven mad by his wife’s death, goes on a murderous rampage. Fearing for their lives, the other whites arm a young Indigenous man and order him to shoot Uncle Boss dead.

'The Multiple Effects of Rainshadow traces the lead-up to this bloody showdown and the repercussions in the years after - for Aboriginal people and the colonial overseers.' (Publication summary)




  • Author's note: “This book is based loosely on an incident in north Queensland over sixty years ago. All characters are fictional. Impulses came from Compton Mackenzie’s My Life and Times: Octave Six, Henry Reynolds’s With the White People, Bill Rosser’s Dreamtime Nightmares, John P. Maguire’s Prologue: A History of the Catholic Church as seen from Townsville 1863–1983, and Renarta Prior’s Straight from the Yudaman’s Mouth. The Kuku-Yalanji Dictionary compiled by Lynette F. Oates was also useful. Special thanks to Professor Elizabeth Perkins of James Cook University; Geoff Hadrill, Reference Librarian, of the Nowra Municipal Library; and Meredith Rose, editor.”
  • Epigraph: “There are distant shouts, rifle shots, the pounding of feet across the bridge, the sound of running. A woman’s scream carves the night then bubbles away.”


* Contents derived from the Melbourne, Victoria,:Text Publishing , 2018 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Introduction, Chloe Hooper , single work essay

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

    • Ringwood, Ringwood - Croydon - Kilsyth area, Melbourne - East, Melbourne, Victoria,: New York (City), New York (State),
      United States of America (USA),
      Viking ,
      1996 .
      image of person or book cover 2085667064607366570.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Extent: 296p.
      ISBN: 0670872164
    • Ringwood, Ringwood - Croydon - Kilsyth area, Melbourne - East, Melbourne, Victoria,: Viking , 1997 .
      image of person or book cover 2740580030569314526.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Extent: 296p.
      ISBN: 0140267557
    • Camberwell, Camberwell - Kew area, Melbourne - Inner South, Melbourne, Victoria,: Penguin , 2010 .
      image of person or book cover 8245089503093753981.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Extent: 296p.
      ISBN: 9780143180265 (pbk.)
      Series: Penguin Modern Classics series - publisher
    • Melbourne, Victoria,: Text Publishing , 2018 .
      image of person or book cover 1236302053438746797.jpg
      This image has been sourced from Booktopia
      Extent: 304p.
      • Published: 30th April 2018

      ISBN: 9781925603569
      Series: y separately published work icon Text Classics Text Publishing (publisher), Melbourne : Text Publishing , 2012- Z1851461 2012 series - publisher novel 'Great books by great Australian storytellers.' (Text website.)

Other Formats

Works about this Work

The Regional Novel in Australia Emily Potter , Brigid Magner , 2023 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Cambridge History of the Australian Novel 2023;
The Genesis of Thea Astley's Multiple Effects of Rainshadow Cheryl M. Taylor , 2021 single work criticism
— Appears in: JASAL , vol. 21 no. 1 2021;

'A work of traditional scholarship rather than of literary criticism, this essay discusses the Thea Astley novel that relies most heavily on sources, including black and white histories, biographies, language dictionaries, and news reports. It demonstrates the obscurity and diversity of the sources on which Astley drew, and the creativity of her responses to their political, religious and racial assumptions. It seeks to understand something of Astley's creative processes, and to define their limits.'  (Publication abstract)

‘To My Brother’ : Gay Love and Sex in Thea Astley’s Novels and Stories Cheryl M. Taylor , 2019 single work criticism
— Appears in: Queensland Review , December vol. 26 no. 2 2019; (p. 269-284)

'Beginning as early as A Descant for Gossips (1960), gay men and gay love come and go in Thea Astley’s prose oeuvre. The responses that these characters and this topic invite shift with point of view and under the impact of varied themes. Astley’s treatment refuses to be contained, either by traditional Catholic doctrines about sex or by Australia’s delay in decriminalising homosexual acts. Driven by love for her gay older brother Philip, whose death from cancer corresponded with her final allusions to gay love in The Multiple Effects of Rainshadow (1996), Astley’s only constant message on this, as on other topics, is humans’ responsibility to treat each other with kindness. This essay draws on Karen Lamb’s biography and on writings and reminiscences by Philip Astley’s family and fellow Jesuits to reveal his significance as his sister sought to resolve through her fiction the conflict between an inculcated Catholic idolisation of purity and her own hard-won understanding and acceptance of gay men.' (Publication abstract)

y separately published work icon The Mabo Turn in Australian Fiction Geoff Rodoreda , Oxford : Peter Lang , 2017 13852561 2017 multi chapter work criticism

'This is the first in-depth, broad-based study of the impact of the Australian High Court’s landmark Mabo decision of 1992 on Australian fiction. More than any other event in Australia’s legal, political and cultural history, the Mabo judgement – which recognised indigenous Australians’ customary native title to land – challenged previous ways of thinking about land and space, settlement and belonging, race and relationships, and nation and history, both historically and contemporaneously. While Mabo’s impact on history, law, politics and film has been the focus of scholarly attention, the study of its influence on literature has been sporadic and largely limited to examinations of non-Aboriginal novels.

'Now, a quarter of a century after Mabo, this book takes a closer look at nineteen contemporary novels – including works by David Malouf, Alex Miller, Kate Grenville, Thea Astley, Tim Winton, Michelle de Kretser, Richard Flanagan, Alexis Wright and Kim Scott – in order to define and describe Australia’s literary imaginary as it reflects and articulates post-Mabo discourse today. Indeed, literature’s substantial engagement with Mabo’s cultural legacy – the acknowledgement of indigenous people’s presence in the land, in history, and in public affairs, as opposed to their absence – demands a re-writing of literary history to account for a “Mabo turn” in Australian fiction. ' (Publication summary)

Reading Three Stories of Palm Island Leigh Dale , 2017 single work criticism
— Appears in: Etropic , vol. 16 no. 2 2017;

'After briefly introducing Palm Island and its history as a place of punishment for Indigenous people, this essay looks at how readers respond to three books about Palm: Thea Astley’s The Multiple Effects of Rainshadow (1996), Chloe Hooper’s The Tall Man (2008), and Cathy McLennan’s Saltwater (2016). Using reviews posted by contributors to Goodreads, I investigate the colocation of terms which recur in positive reviews, in search of a specific form of reading, described here as “absorption.” Against the publishing and broader cultural conventions which differentiate fiction from non-fiction, the evidence shows that readers who describe themselves as having become absorbed tend also to praise these books for their truth, regardless of genre. The essay proposes some points of reference for thinking about the reading experience, and concludes by briefly noting the limits of using of genre in marketing, reviewing, and studying books. The essay is built on an awareness of the radical imbalance in the distribution of literacy in the region these books depict.'   (Publication abstract)

Local Focus, Widespread Appeal Jacqueline Connelly , 2010 single work review
— Appears in: LiNQ , December vol. 37 no. 2010; (p. 174-176)

— Review of The Multiple Effects of Rainshadow Thea Astley , 1996 single work novel
Connelly suggests that this re-release of Astley's fictional work may have been inspired by the publication of Hooper's The Tall Man, a topical work of non-fiction, as both books deal with tragic events on Palm Island. Astley, says Connelly, 'creates an artistically thoughtful critique that addresses ... some of society's most controversial sore spots.'
The Shadowy Effects of Our Barbaric Past Megan Gressor , 1996 single work review
— Appears in: The Sunday Age , 29 September 1996; (p. 8)

— Review of The Multiple Effects of Rainshadow Thea Astley , 1996 single work novel
Northern Disclosure Debra Adelaide , 1996 single work review
— Appears in: The Sydney Morning Herald , 28 September 1996; (p. 10s)

— Review of The Multiple Effects of Rainshadow Thea Astley , 1996 single work novel
Darkness Below Rosser Street , 1996 single work review
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 19-20 October 1996; (p. rev 9)

— Review of The Multiple Effects of Rainshadow Thea Astley , 1996 single work novel
Racism Revisited Judith Rodriguez , 1996 single work review
— Appears in: The Age , 19 October 1996; (p. 7)

— Review of The Multiple Effects of Rainshadow Thea Astley , 1996 single work novel
Homelands vs 'The Tropics' : Crossing the Line Lyn Jacobs , 2003 single work criticism
— Appears in: JASAL , vol. 2 no. 2003; (p. 167-178)
'In Australian fictions, "the tropics" feature as paradisiacal retreats, mosquito-infested war zones, touristic destinations or sites-of-last-resort on terminal pathways north. But they are also homelands and cross-cultural spaces where the nexus between Indigenous and non-indigenous people, as well as the environment, climate and geography, is distinctive ... This paper considers "the tropics" as contested sites in Australia and New Guinea, and indicates tensions between writing about or from within homelands' (p.167).
Thea Astley : Exploring the Centre Paul Genoni , 2004 single work criticism
— Appears in: Subverting the Empire : Explorers and Exploration in Australian Fiction 2004; (p. 97-144)
Thea Astley's Failed Eden Paul Genoni , 2006 single work criticism
— Appears in: Thea Astley's Fictional Worlds 2006; (p. 153-163)
Under the Rainshadow Chloe Hooper , 2008 single work essay
— Appears in: The Monthly , September no. 38 2008; (p. 50-53)
Chloe Hooper draws comparisons between the characters of Captain Brodie and Manny Cooktown (based on Robert Curry and Peter Prior) in Thea Astley's The Multiple Effects of Rainshadow and the lives of Senior Sargeant Christopher Hurley and Cameron Doomadgee as a means of exploring the complexity of life on Palm Island.
'This Fiction It Don't Go Away': Narrative As an Index to Palm Island's Past and Present Cheryl M. Taylor , 2009 single work criticism
— Appears in: Queensland Review , vol. 16 no. 1 2009; (p. 35-67)
This article describes an abundant tradition of Palm Island narrrative, from early "whitewash" travelogues, to a previously unrecognised place-based corpus of black writing that includes the work of Boori Pryor. It discusses the presentation of Palm Island in poetry and in novels by Thea Astley and Elizabeth O'Conner.
Last amended 28 Jan 2025 11:52:37
  • Queensland,
  • Palm Island, Ingham area, Ingham - Cairns area, Queensland,
  • Townsville, Townsville area, Marlborough - Mackay - Townsville area, Queensland,
  • 1930s
  • 1940s
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