A Victorian Hangman Tells His Love single work   poetry   "Dear one, forgive my appearing before you like this,"
Alternative title: A Public Hangman Tells His Love
Issue Details: First known date: 1968... 1968 A Victorian Hangman Tells His Love
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Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon An Eye for a Tooth : Poems Bruce Dawe , Melbourne : Cheshire , 1968 Z547251 1968 selected work poetry Melbourne : Cheshire , 1968 pg. 46
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Condolences of the Season : Selected Poems Bruce Dawe , Melbourne : Longman Cheshire , 1971 Z546924 1971 selected work poetry Melbourne : Longman Cheshire , 1971 pg. 70
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Twelve Poets, 1950-1970 12 Poets, 1950-1970 Alexander Craig (editor), Milton : Jacaranda Press , 1971 Z77157 1971 anthology poetry Milton : Jacaranda Press , 1971 pg. 113-114
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Penguin Book of Australian Verse Harry Payne Heseltine (editor), Ringwood Harmondsworth : Penguin , 1972 Z334403 1972 anthology poetry Selection of works by Australian poets from Charles Harpur (1813-1868) to Charles Buckmaster (b. 1951). Ringwood Harmondsworth : Penguin , 1972 pg. 390-391
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Australian Voices : A Collection of Poetry and Pictures Edward Kynaston (editor), Ringwood : Penguin , 1974 Z477268 1974 anthology poetry Ringwood : Penguin , 1974 pg. 171
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Sometimes Gladness : Collected Poems 1954-1978 Bruce Dawe , South Yarra : Braille and Talking Book Library , 29618797 1978 selected work poetry

    'The sixth edition of Sometimes Gladness includes three indexes to enable readers to find suitable texts. In addition to an alphabetical index, poems are also grouped according to form, and categorised by themes such as war, family, images or dreams.'

    Melbourne : Longman Cheshire , 1978
    pg. 171
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Australian Poems in Perspective : A Collection of Poems and Critical Commentaries P. K. Elkin (editor), St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 1978 Z365352 1978 anthology poetry criticism biography St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 1978 pg. 204-205
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Two Centuries of Australian Poetry Mark O'Connor (editor), Melbourne : Oxford University Press , 1988 Z322247 1988 anthology poetry criticism Contains poems grouped into 18 thematic sections (19 in 2nd. ed.) ; each section has an introduction, notes and suggestions for study activities and further study. Biographical notes on authors and indexes also included. Melbourne : Oxford University Press , 1988 pg. 144
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Sometimes Gladness : Collected Poems 1954-1987 Bruce Dawe , Melbourne : Longman Cheshire , 1988 Z898040 1988 selected work poetry Melbourne : Longman Cheshire , 1988 pg. 74
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Macmillan Anthology of Australian Literature Ken L. Goodwin (editor), Alan Lawson (editor), South Melbourne : Macmillan , 1990 Z535337 1990 anthology criticism correspondence extract poetry drama biography short story prose humour satire travel

    'Poems, stories, letters and extracts from novels, plays and journals present a great variety of responses to Australia and to the art of writing. Items have been arranged into 12 groupings that reflect different ways of seeing the material of Australian writing. Each section has its own introduction. Problems are explained, theories and contexts for a wider understanding are offered. The book includes biographical guides to all authors and a full chronological table of events in the literary history of Australia.'   (Publication summary)

    South Melbourne : Macmillan , 1990
    pg. 158-159
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Sometimes Gladness : Collected Poems, 1954-1992 Bruce Dawe , Melbourne : Longman Cheshire , 1993 Z470171 1993 selected work poetry humour satire Melbourne : Longman Cheshire , 1993 pg. 69
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon 50 Years of Queensland Poetry : 1940s - 1990s Philip Neilsen (editor), Helen Horton (editor), Rockhampton : Central Queensland University Press , 1998 Z893557 1998 anthology poetry Rockhampton : Central Queensland University Press , 1998 pg. 52
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Penguin Anthology of Australian Poetry John Kinsella (editor), Camberwell : Penguin , 2009 Z1553543 2009 anthology poetry (taught in 16 units)

    'This is a comprehensive survey of Australian poetic achievement, ranging from early colonial and indigenous verse to contemporary work, from the major poets to those who deserve to be better recognised.' (Provided by the publisher).

    Camberwell : Penguin , 2009
    pg. 233-234
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Macquarie PEN Anthology of Australian Literature Nicholas Jose (editor), Kerryn Goldsworthy (editor), Anita Heiss (editor), David McCooey (editor), Peter Minter (editor), Nicole Moore (editor), Elizabeth Webby (editor), Crows Nest : Allen and Unwin , 2009 Z1590615 2009 anthology correspondence diary drama essay extract poetry prose short story (taught in 23 units)

    'Some of the best, most significant writing produced in Australia over more than two centuries is gathered in this landmark anthology. Covering all genres - from fiction, poetry and drama to diaries, letters, essays and speeches - the anthology maps the development of one of the great literatures in English in all its energy and variety.

    'The writing reflects the diverse experiences of Australians in their encounter with their extraordinary environment and with themselves. This is literature of struggle, conflict and creative survival. It is literature of lives lived at the extremes, of frontiers between cultures, of new dimensions of experience, where imagination expands.

    'This rich, informative and entertaining collection charts the formation of an Australian voice that draws inventively on Indigenous words, migrant speech and slang, with a cheeky, subversive humour always to the fore. For the first time, Aboriginal writings are interleaved with other English-language writings throughout - from Bennelong's 1796 letter to the contemporary flowering of Indigenous fiction and poetry - setting up an exchange that reveals Australian history in stark new ways.

    'From vivid settler accounts to haunting gothic tales, from raw protest to feisty urban satire and playful literary experiment, from passionate love poetry to moving memoir, the Macquarie PEN Anthology of Australian Literature reflects the creative eloquence of a society.

    'Chosen by a team of expert editors, who have provided illuminating essays about their selections, and with more than 500 works from over 300 authors, it is an authoritative survey and a rich world of reading to be enjoyed.' (Publisher's blurb)

    Allen and Unwin have a YouTube channel with a number of useful videos on the Anthology.

    Crows Nest : Allen and Unwin , 2009
    pg. 784-785

Works about this Work

Half-Masts : A Prosody of Telecommunications John Kinsella , 2010 single work criticism
— Appears in: Activist Poetics : Anarchy in the Avon Valley 2010; (p. 76-89)
Celebration : Bruce Dawe Stephany Steggall , 2010 single work biography
— Appears in: Australian Author , April vol. 42 no. 1 2010; (p. 24-27)
'Since he burst onto the Australian literary landscape in 1964, Bruce Dawe has relished his ability to cause trouble with his poetry. 'The poet is the early warning system, the first line of defence against the public sector into the lives of individuals,' he once said. Half a century on, Dawe is still ringing alarm bells. (p. 24)
y separately published work icon A Study Guide to Bruce Dawe's Sometimes Gladness Kilian McNamara , Ballarat : Wizard Books , 1996 Z516198 1996 single work biography criticism
Poet Dawe Explains More Bruce Dawe , 1988 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Australian , 27 May 1988; (p. 13) Bruce Dawe : Essays and Opinions 1990; (p. 38-40)
Bruce Dawe : First Corinthians at the Crossroads; A Victorian Hangman Tells his Love J. D. Hainsworth , 1978 single work criticism
— Appears in: Australian Poems in Perspective : A Collection of Poems and Critical Commentaries 1978; (p. 203-213)
Celebration : Bruce Dawe Stephany Steggall , 2010 single work biography
— Appears in: Australian Author , April vol. 42 no. 1 2010; (p. 24-27)
'Since he burst onto the Australian literary landscape in 1964, Bruce Dawe has relished his ability to cause trouble with his poetry. 'The poet is the early warning system, the first line of defence against the public sector into the lives of individuals,' he once said. Half a century on, Dawe is still ringing alarm bells. (p. 24)
Half-Masts : A Prosody of Telecommunications John Kinsella , 2010 single work criticism
— Appears in: Activist Poetics : Anarchy in the Avon Valley 2010; (p. 76-89)
Poet Dawe Explains More Bruce Dawe , 1988 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Australian , 27 May 1988; (p. 13) Bruce Dawe : Essays and Opinions 1990; (p. 38-40)
y separately published work icon A Study Guide to Bruce Dawe's Sometimes Gladness Kilian McNamara , Ballarat : Wizard Books , 1996 Z516198 1996 single work biography criticism
Bruce Dawe : First Corinthians at the Crossroads; A Victorian Hangman Tells his Love J. D. Hainsworth , 1978 single work criticism
— Appears in: Australian Poems in Perspective : A Collection of Poems and Critical Commentaries 1978; (p. 203-213)
Last amended 26 Nov 2009 15:48:59
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