Sapardi Joko Damono Sapardi Joko Damono i(A141310 works by)
Born: Established: 1940 ;
Gender: Male
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Works By

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2 Daily Living : Folding the Sheets i "You and I will fold the sheets", Rosemary Dobson , 1984 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Three Fates and Other Poems 1984; (p. 23) My Country : Australian Poetry and Short Stories, Two Hundred Years 1985; (p. 563) The New Oxford Book of Australian Verse 1986; (p. 211-212) The Faber Book of Modern Australian Verse 1991; (p. 109-110) Collected Poems 1991; (p. 175) The New Oxford Book of Australian Verse 1996; (p. 211)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 60-61)
2 Canticle i "Stillness and splendour of the night,", James McAuley , 1953 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Bulletin , 18 February vol. 74 no. 3810 1953; (p. 23) Australian Poetry 1953 1953; (p. 15-16) A Vision of Ceremony : Poems 1956; (p. 11) James McAuley 1963; (p. 25-26) Modern Australian Verse 1964; (p. 134-135) Collected Poems 1936-1970 1971; (p. 68)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 56-59)
1 Acatatan Editor Dan Penerjemah Sapardi Joko Damono , 1991 single work criticism
— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. xxiii-xxvi)
1 Kata Pengantar David Brooks , 1991 single work criticism
— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. xvi-xxii)
1 y separately published work icon Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia R. F. Brissenden (editor), Sapardi Joko Damono (editor), Sapardi Joko Damono (translator), Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Indonesia , 1991 Z1795935 1991 anthology poetry
2 2 Eskimo Occasion i "I am in my Eskimo-hunting-song mood,", Judith Rodriguez , 1975 single work poetry
— Appears in: Australians Aware : Poems and Paintings of Today 1975; (p. 27) Mother I'm Rooted : An Anthology of Australian Women Poets 1975; (p. 459) Water Life 1976; (p. 71) The Golden Apples of the Sun : Twentieth Century Australian Poetry 1980; (p. 182) The Collins Book of Australian Poetry 1981; (p. 330) Consolidation : The Second Paperback Poets Anthology 1982; (p. 80)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 128-131)
2 4 Over the Frontier i "The object that exists", Rosemary Dobson , 1977 single work poetry
— Appears in: Poet's Choice 1977 1977; (p. 110) Over the Frontier : Poems 1978; (p. 3) Selected Poems 1980; (p. 130-131) Collected Poems 1991; (p. 129)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 62-65)
5 20 We Are Going i "They came in to the little town", Oodgeroo Noonuccal , 1962 single work poetry
— Appears in: Tribune , 2 May no. 1252 (new series) 1962; (p. 7) We Are Going : Poems 1964; (p. 25) New Impulses in Australian Poetry 1968; (p. 125) The Sound of Poetry : An Anthology for Junior Secondary Students in Australia and New Zealand Schools 1968; (p. 90) My People : A Kath Walker Collection 1970; (p. 74) The Penguin Book of Australian Verse 1972; (p. 319)

— Appears in: Australia Antologio 1988; (p. 326-327)

— Appears in: Anthology of Australian Slovenes 1988 1988; (p. 83)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 66-69)

— Appears in: Oodgeroo Noonuccal con We Are Going 2013; (p. 216-217) My People : A Kath Walker Collection 2022; (p. 244-245)
3 8 No More Boomerang i "No more boomerang", Oodgeroo Noonuccal , 1966 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Dawn Is at Hand 1966; (p. 26-27) My People : A Kath Walker Collection 1970; (p. 32-33) Australian Voices : A Collection of Poetry and Pictures 1974; (p. 98-99) Poetry Speaks 1982; (p. 26-27) The Penguin Book of Australian Humorous Verse 1984; (p. 85-86) Twelve Australian Yarns : A Workshop for Readers and Writers 1985; (p. 61-62)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 70-75)

— Appears in: My People : A Kath Walker Collection 2022; (p. 164-167)
2 Two Sonnets John Tranter , 1975 single work poetry
— Appears in: Blacksmith , Winter no. 2 1975; (p. 35)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 166-169)
2 Just After Dark i "just after dark", Rae Desmond Jones , 1979 single work poetry
— Appears in: The New Australian Poetry 1979; (p. 27-28)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 156-159)
2 Cool Sweetheart i "When I drink from a", Bruce Dawe , 1962 single work poetry
— Appears in: No Fixed Address : Poems 1962; (p. 14) New Impulses in Australian Poetry 1968; (p. 37)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 108-111)
2 Letters to Live Poets : V i "Three images of dying stick in my mind like morbid transfers", Bruce Beaver , 1969 single work poetry
— Appears in: Letters to Live Poets 1969; (p. 17-18) Australian Poetry Now 1970; (p. 2-3) Selected Poems 1979; (p. 40-41) The Collins Book of Australian Poetry 1981; (p. 297-298) The New Oxford Book of Australian Verse 1986; (p. 255-256) Two Centuries of Australian Poetry 1988; (p. 216)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 88-93)
2 3 Death of a Whale i "When the mouse died, there was a sort of pity:", John Blight , 1954 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Bulletin , 7 April vol. 75 no. 3869 1954; (p. 2) Australian Poetry 1954 1954; (p. 62) The Penguin Book of Australian Verse 1958; (p. 191) A Beachcomber's Diary : Ninety Sea Sonnets 1963; (p. 18) The Penguin Book of Australian Verse 1972; (p. 236) Australian Verse from 1805 : A Continuum 1976; (p. 224)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 36-37)
2 3 Five Days Old i "Christmas is in the air.", Francis Webb , 1958 1958 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Bulletin , 30 April vol. 79 no. 4081 1958; (p. 35) Australian Poetry 1958 1958; (p. 8-9) Socrates and Other Poems 1961; (p. 33-34) Modern Australian Verse 1964; (p. 188-189) A Book of Australian Verse 1968; (p. 240-241) New Impulses in Australian Poetry 1968; (p. 140)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 84-87)
2 2 The Line i "Grey stone is there. Squatting amongst trees.", Jennifer Rankin , 1983 single work poetry
— Appears in: Mrs Noah and the Minoan Queen : Poems 1983; (p. 88) Collected Poems 1990; (p. 57)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 162-165)
4 16 Beach Burial i "Softly and humbly to the Gulf of Arabs", Kenneth Slessor , 1944 single work poetry war literature
— Appears in: Southerly , vol. 5 no. 3 1944; (p. 13) Australian Poetry 1944 1945; (p. 43-44) The Australasian Book News and Literary Journal , January vol. 2 no. 7 1948; (p. 372) An Anthology of Australian Verse 1952; (p. 335-336) A Book of Australian Verse 1956; (p. 101-102) The Penguin Book of Australian Verse 1958; (p. 75)

— Appears in: Contemporary Australian Poetry 1986; (p. 2-3)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 14-17)

— Appears in: Whispers from the Faraway South : Translations of Selected Australian Poetry 1999; (p. 62-64) Kalimat : An International Periodical of English and Arabic Creative Writing , June no. 10 (Arabic) 2002; (p. 8)
2 2 An Inscription for Dog River i "Our general was the greatest and bravest of generals.", Kenneth Slessor , 1957 single work poetry satire war literature
— Appears in: Southerly , vol. 18 no. 1 1957; (p. 26) Australian Poetry 1957 1957; (p. 11) Poems 1975; (p. 126) Clubbing of the Gunfire : 101 Australian War Poems 1984; (p. 148) The Penguin Book of Australian Satirical Verse 1986; (p. 161-162) The Australian Experience of War : Illustrated Stories and Verse 1988; (p. 181)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 18-21)
2 Transit Hotel i "At the dark-polished desk against the wall", Dimitris Tsaloumas , 1988 single work poetry
— Appears in: Falcon Drinking : The English Poems 1988; (p. 80) New and Selected Poems 2000; (p. 205)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 76-79)
4 14 The Death of the Bird i "For every bird there is this last migration:", A. D. Hope , 1955 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Wandering Islands 1955; (p. 40) Australian Signpost : An Anthology Edited for the Canberra Fellowship of Australian Writers 1956; (p. 165-166) The Penguin Book of Australian Verse 1958; (p. 123-124) Makar , June no. 7 1961; (p. 4) Australian Poets Speak 1961; (p. 82-83) Modern Australian Verse 1964; (p. 52-54)

— Appears in: Mendorong Jack Kuntikunti : sepilihan sajak dari Australia 1991; (p. 26-29)

— Appears in: Whispers from the Faraway South : Translations of Selected Australian Poetry 1999; (p. 65-69)

— Appears in: Sastra Digital 2011-;