High Life – a companion to the acclaimed web-series, Low Life – is a comic drama about an unexpected teenage crisis; a bomb-blast in a safe, middle-class and discreetly dysfunctional family who are completely unprepared for their daughter’s emotional collapse. However, this is much worse than regular teenage behaviour...
What Genevieve Barrett is yet to discover is that she’s suffering her first manic episode of bipolar disorder. And for a sensitive and studious girl, her experience will be exhilarating before it becomes terrifying.
It also happens at the worst possible time – while she’s getting ready for her year twelve exams and hoping to get into the Sydney Conservatory of Music. And to make things worse, no one’s paying attention to her... except her sweetly awkward friend, Ben - a trombonist in her jazz ensemble - whom Gen thinks of as an asexual friend, but who clearly adores her.
No one else thinks to worry about Gen, because she’s the “good kid”; the sensible, moral, innocent and easily ignored friend, sister and daughter... until now.
(More Sauce Productions)