y separately published work icon Australian Book Review periodical issue  
Alternative title: ABR
Issue Details: First known date: 2010... no. 327 December 2010 - January 2011 2010 of Australian Book Review est. 1961 Australian Book Review
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* Contents derived from the , 2010 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Wrong Statue, Stephen Edgar , single work correspondence (p. 6)
Missing the Point, Judith Armstrong , single work correspondence (p. 6-7)
Spence Unbridled, Susan Magarey , single work correspondence
Susan Magarey reports that Catherine Helen Spence's diary for the year 1894 has been acquired by the State Library of South Australia and that a transcript of the diary will appear on the website of Wakefield Press in early 2011.
(p. 7)
Masters of the Game, J. B. Hirst , single work review
— Review of Lazarus Rising John Winston Howard , 2010 single work autobiography ;
(p. 10-11)
Maddened Times in the USA, Morag Fraser , single work prose (p. 14-15)
Guthrie’s Umbrage: The Former Murdoch Editor Settles Old Scores, Jan McGuinness , single work review
— Review of Man Bites Murdoch : Four Decades in Print, Six Days in Court Bruce Guthrie , 2010 single work autobiography ;
(p. 16-17)
Note: Available courtesy of ABR
Inside Chōshū, Alison Broinowski , single work review
— Review of Blossoms and Shadows Lian Hearn , 2010 single work novel ;
(p. 28)
Darker Voices, Carmel Bird , single work review
— Review of A Darker Music Maris Morton , 2010 single work novel ;
(p. 31)
Speech Sounds, Bruce Moore , single work review
— Review of Colonial Voices : A Cultural History of English in Australia, 1840-1940 Joy Damousi , 2010 single work criticism ;
(p. 34-35)
After Pinaturoi"And on my travels I came across", Eileen Chong , single work poetry (p. 35)
Best Books of the Year, Patrick Allington , Dennis Altman , Don Anderson , Carmel Bird , Nicholas Birns , Alison Broinowski , Jo Case , Glyn Davis , Gillian Dooley , Andrea Goldsmith , Lisa Gorton , Rodney Hall , Kate Holden , Jacqueline Kent , James Ley , Patrick McCaughey , Brian McFarlane , Brenda Niall , Peter Pierce , Angus Trumble , Geordie Williamson , Thuy On , Stephanie Owen Reeder , Mike Shuttleworth , Ruth Starke , single work column
Australian writers and reviewers each nominate their best books of 2010. Some of the books listed are by Australian writers.
(p. 38-43)
Strangers in the Know: An Anthology of ‘Irresolute Fancies’, Geordie Williamson , single work review
— Review of The Best Australian Essays 2010 2010 anthology essay ;
(p. 44-45)
Note: Available courtesy of ABR
A Roānkin Philosophy of Poetry, Maria Takolander , single work short story (p. 46-48)
Caged Songbird, Murray Waldren , single work review
— Review of Wasted: The True Story of Jim McNeil, Violent Criminal and Brilliant Playwright Ross Honeywill , 2010 single work biography ;
(p. 49-50)
Barry by Edna: The Latest Biography of Barry Humphries, Ian Britain , single work review
— Review of One Man Show : The Stages of Barry Humphries Anne Pender , 2010 single work biography ;
(p. 51-52)
Note: Available courtesy of ABR
The Tyranny of Text?, John Rickard , single work column (p. 53-54)
100,000,000 ADi"The Captain's keen to explore, go deeper,", Will Eaves , single work poetry (p. 61)
Patrick White's Papers, Margaret Harris , Elizabeth Webby , single work criticism
Margaret Harris and Elizabeth Webby explore some of the ways in which the Patrick White collection at the National Library of Australia may be used to 'provoke re-reading of White. At once they [White's papers] extend the canon of White's work, and variously illuminate current perceptions of, and perspectives on, his achievement.'
(p. 62-64)
Making It, Jacqueline Kent , single work review
— Review of Reg Grundy Reg Grundy , 2010 single work autobiography ;
(p. 67, 68)
Untitled, Lorelei Vashti-Waite , single work review
— Review of Somebody to Love Stephen Holden , 2010 single work novel ;
(p. 67)
Note: Written as: Lorelei Vashti.