Issue Details: First known date: 1838... vol. 36 no. 4107 8 December 1838 of The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser est. 1803 Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser
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* Contents derived from the 1838 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Valuable Books, Just Imported by James Tegg, single work advertisement

An advertisement for books for sale by James Tegg. The advertisement fills columns of the Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser and lists the works for sale in alphabetical order. Books include novels, 'Cooper, Miss Porter, Miss Austin [Jane Austen?], Goodwin, Mrs Shelley ; and some by Bulwer, Theodore Hook, Morier, James, and other celebrated Writers', poetry, extracts and essays, plays, biography, works for children and young people, dictionaries, spelling and grammar, songs, and non-fiction including history, theology, science and domestic science. Tegg also advertises his own publications in the list.

The 'Sydney General Trade List' published in the Gazette of 8 November 1838 (4) included ‘4 cases books, J. Tegg’ as imports on 31 October via the Marian Watson.

(p. 1)
Now Publishing a Second Edition of Tegg's Commercial Almanac for 1839, single work advertisement (p. 1)
Just Published, Moffitt's Sheet Almanack for 1839, single work advertisement (p. 1)
Lines on the Death of My Infanti"Is there a peace surpassing human thought?", F. E. F. , single work poetry (p. 3)
Royal Victoria Theatre : John Stafford &c., single work advertisement

Advertisement for performance at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, on 8 December 1838 of 'for the first time in this Colony, a domestic Drama, entitled John Stafford; or The Murder at the Black Farm, In which Mrs [Maria] Taylor and Mr. [J. H. S.] Lee will make their first appearance this Season' and the 'Nautical Drama, called The Larboard Fin; or, The Wrecker's Daughter'.

(p. 3)
Temperance Magazine, single work advertisement (p. 3)
To Fancy Stationers, Booksellers &c., single work advertisement
Advertisement for the auction of stationery and books by Isaac Simmons & Co. Items for auction include '[George Gordon (Baron)] Byron's work' and 'a large variety of useful entertaining Works too numerous for the limits of an advertisement'.
(p. 4)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

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