y separately published work icon Australian Book Review periodical issue  
Alternative title: ABR
Issue Details: First known date: 2007... no. 292 June 2007 of Australian Book Review est. 1961 Australian Book Review
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  • Contents indexed selectively.


* Contents derived from the 2007 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Meanjin Woes, single work column
A report on some of the implications of the proposed takeover of Meanjin by Melbourne University Press.
(p. 1)
The Duty to Truth, Clive James , single work correspondence (p. 4)
Brian Matthews Replies, Brian Matthews , single work correspondence (p. 4)
Holding Clark Accountable, Leigh Swinbourne , single work correspondence (p. 4-5)
Tea with Elizabeth Jolley, Adi Wimmer , single work correspondence (p. 5-6)
Encouraging Notes, Karen Brown , single work correspondence
Karen Brown comments on the value of a publisher including notes for book clubs within publications, specifically in The Sleepers Almanac 2007 : A Family Affair.
(p. 6)
'Suspended on a Breath', Peter Porter , single work review
— Review of Typewriter Music David Malouf , 2007 selected work poetry ;
(p. 12-13)
Wright Country, Kate McFadyen , single work review
— Review of High Lean Country : Land, People and Memory in New England 2007 anthology essay ;
(p. 17)
Canto of Slipping at Nighti"I spend a lot of time travelling, sleeping alone,", John Kinsella , single work poetry (p. 19)
Kohl Eyes, Kay Schaffer , single work review
— Review of Soft Weapons : Autobiography in Transit Gillian Whitlock , 2007 multi chapter work criticism ;
(p. 20-21)
Nightingale Nurse, Beverley Kingston , single work review
— Review of Lucy Osburn, a Lady Displaced : Florence Nightingale's Envoy to Australia Judith Godden , 2006 single work biography ;
(p. 28)
Flight from Boganville, Dan Toner , single work review
— Review of I Wouldn't Start from Here Andrew Mueller , 2007 single work autobiography ;
(p. 31)
The Disappearing Act of Translation, Nicholas Jose , single work criticism
Nicholas Jose suggests that 'the reasons for the invisibility of translation are at once matters of specific practices ... and larger cultural frames'. He provides some arguments as to 'why translation needs better recognition, understanding and valuation.
(p. 32-34)
Both Handsi"Dew from the roof is dripping in the down-pipe.", Chris Andrews , single work poetry (p. 34)
Autumni"Gulls hang in shiff wind like glass figurines.", Maria Takolander , single work poetry (p. 36)
Winteri"The whiteness of snow conjures up its own shadows,", Maria Takolander , single work poetry (p. 36)
Springi"Things quicken with indefinable longing,", Maria Takolander , single work poetry (p. 36)
Summeri"In the evening time slows down like a peacock,", Maria Takolander , single work poetry (p. 36)
Seasonal, Maria Takolander , sequence poetry (p. 36)
Virtual Lives: History and Biography in an Electronic Age, Lawrence Goldman , single work essay
Lawrence Goldman discusses the role and creation of national biographical dictionaries from their inception to the 21st century with particular reference to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
(p. 37-44)
Note: Edited version of original lecture.

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