Based upon the novels by Western Australian author Tim Winton, the series revolves around 12-year-old Lockie Leonard, a surf rat whose family moves to the most remote town on Earth, Angelus. Lockie's convinced that this is a total disaster. He has no friends, a new school, and a house that is truly in danger of disappearing into a swamp. But then Lockie spots the one thing that makes it all okay. This weird little town has the best surf he has ever seen.
Further Reference:
'Lockie and Vicki are back on. And unlike before, Lockie takes the public attention in his stride.'
Source: Australian Television Information Archive. (Sighted: 22/5/2014)
Sydney : Essential Viewing Nine Network , 2007'According to Sarge, the worst crime of all is heartlessness — when you know your actions will hurt others but you do it anyway. Mr Streeton, it would seem, is the king of heartlessness, if building a retirement home in the swamp is any indication. Mr Streeton's blunt assessment of Sarge's world- view causes Sarge to reassess himself. His introspection spirals to despair when it appears Mum's wedding ring has been stolen. However, the final blow comes when Lockie admits to Sarge that he is the town's biggest criminal — he knowingly broke Mel's heart. Lockie's heartlessness, Phillip's growing frustration with the science faculty, and a surprise job offer for Mum cause the Leonards to question if they belong in Angelus anymore. Blob, however, has other ideas' ('Crimes of the Heartless' Australian Television Information Archive).
Sydney : Nine Network Essential Viewing , 2010'Due to the COVID-19 extended lockdowns this year, as well as greater accessibility on streaming services, many adults have been returning to their childhoods via nostalgic kids’ TV viewing.' (Introduction)
'Due to the COVID-19 extended lockdowns this year, as well as greater accessibility on streaming services, many adults have been returning to their childhoods via nostalgic kids’ TV viewing.' (Introduction)