y separately published work icon Wet Ink periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2006... no. 3 Winter 2006 of Wet Ink est. 2005 Wet Ink
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* Contents derived from the , 2006 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Editors' Note, Phillip Edmonds , Dominique Wilson , single work column (p. 1)
Rendez-vous, Nigel Krauth , single work short story (p. 2-3)
Olympia of the God's Mountaini"She needs to come down more", John De Laine , single work poetry (p. 5)
Eggs and Beads, Tessa Gargett , single work short story (p. 6-11)
Question that Cannot be Answeredi"There is a question that cannot be answered", Chris Konrad , single work poetry (p. 17)
The Lock, Yasmine Nicholls , single work short story (p. 18-19)
Cheersi"In school, the Yugoslav section", George Toseski , single work poetry (p. 20)
The Dig Tree (from: Epileptica, a novel-in-progress), Luke Stegemann , extract novel (p. 21-23)
Scenes from Swimming Poolsi"Eccentric dipsters tipple blue water.", Mike Ladd , single work poetry (p. 25)
The Interview : Gail Jones, Michele McCrea (interviewer), single work interview (p. 26-29)
Note: Includes potrait.
The Edible Landscapei"I am eating clouds", Graham Catt , single work poetry (p. 30)
Silent Night, Dena Thorne-Pezet , single work short story (p. 34-37)
The Dirt, Rachel Manning , single work short story (p. 38-39)
Gulls Shrieki"above sun", Lidija Šimkute , single work poetry (p. 40)
Home, Tristan Foster , single work short story (p. 41-46)
Untitled, Stephen Lawrence , single work correspondence (p. 48)
Untitled, Phillip Edmonds , single work review
— Review of The Best Australian Stories 2005 2005 anthology short story ;
(p. 50)
[Review] The Best Australian Poems 2005, Cameron Fuller , single work review
— Review of The Best Australian Poems 2005 2005 anthology poetry ;
(p. 50-51)
Untitled, Michele McCrea , single work review
— Review of The Dog Rock Miriel Lenore , 2004 selected work poetry ;
(p. 51)
[Review] Modewarre, Stephen Lawrence , single work review
— Review of Modewarre : Home Ground Patricia Sykes , 2004 selected work poetry ;
(p. 51-52)