y separately published work icon Divan periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2004... no. 5 2004 of Divan est. 1998 Divan
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* Contents derived from the , 2004 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Aquariumi"We began with water, as all things do, the Venus Bay waves", Jordie Albiston , single work poetry
Purgatoryi"At the Victoria Market", Jennifer Allen , single work poetry
Instructions on How to Electrocute a Condemned Personi"Strap the condemned securely to the chair", George Anderson , single work poetry
Father, Gaugin, Mr Hydei"My father's hands", Janine Baker , single work poetry
Purple Prose, for Rousseaui"I've been ogling your Still Life with Tropical Fruit Henri,", Janine Baker , single work poetry
Memoryi"Memories play games", Connie Barber , single work poetry
"We are neat rows" Storms in Childhood, David Edward Barnes , single work poetry
In Praise of Meni"For they wake on the most languid of mornings marvellously erect", Catherine Bateson , single work poetry
Meditations on Lighti"The squirrel night lamp", Catherine Bateson , single work poetry
The Temperature of Actressesi"We emptied mosquito nets", Luke Beesley , single work poetry
Windows, Fred Biggar , sequence poetry
The Living Roomi"Hagersville winter", Fred Biggar , single work poetry
The Dining Roomi"Hagersville in December", Fred Biggar , single work poetry
The Cari"Plastic coffee cups,", Fred Biggar , single work poetry
The Classroomi"In the classroom", Fred Biggar , single work poetry
The Halli"We danced to celebrate the success", Fred Biggar , single work poetry
The Basementi"Sun-burned faces", Fred Biggar , single work poetry
The Busi"The disappointments", Fred Biggar , single work poetry
The Kissing Treei"The first time we kissed", Kevin Bonnett , single work poetry
The Crucial Threei"I saw The Fall twenty-eight times that year", Graham Catt , single work poetry