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Screen cap from opening credits
form y separately published work icon One Night the Moon single work   film/TV  
Issue Details: First known date: 2001... 2001 One Night the Moon
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

A young girl goes missing within the Australian landscape and her father refuses to let an Aboriginal man, Albert, be included in the search party and utilise his tracking skills. It is a decision that proves fatal. Months later, the child's mother approaches Albert to begin the tracking process that eventually leads her to her lost child.


One Night the Moon John Romeril , Kev Carmody (composer), Mairead Hannan (composer), Paul Kelly (composer), 2009 single work musical theatre


  • The idea for this screenplay was prompted by a documentary that screened on SBS called Blacktracker (Michael Riley, 1997).

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Works about this Work

5 Aussie Musicals You Might Not Have Heard Of – But Really Should See Phoebe Macrossan , 2023 single work essay
— Appears in: The Conversation , 10 November 2023;
y separately published work icon One Night the Moon : Student Book Emily Bosco , Anthony Bosco , Kira Bryant , Gladesville : Into English , 2021 24871865 2021 single work criticism 'The One Night the Moon Student Book is a study of Rachel Perkins’ Australian film, One Night the Moon, along with several other texts. It has been designed to fulfil the requirements of the NSW Stage 6 English Year 12 Standard Module A: Language, Identity and Culture.' 

(Publication summary)

One Night the Moon (Rachel Perkins, 2001) Georgina Willis , 2014 single work review
— Appears in: Senses of Cinema , March no. 70 2014;

— Review of One Night the Moon John Romeril , Rachel Perkins , 2001 single work film/TV
Respecting Protocols for Representing Aboriginal Cultures Jared Thomas , 2014 single work criticism
— Appears in: JASAL , vol. 14 no. 3 2014;
'This essay undertakes a detailed discussion of how respecting protocols for representing Indigenous cultures supports the interests of Indigenous communities and producers of stories with Indigenous content. To highlight the importance of Indigenous protocols I review the prominence and reception of Aboriginal stories in Australian film and literature and discuss how protocol guidelines can prevent problematic representations. I demonstrate how protocols influenced writing Calypso Summer (2014), a novel exploring issues relating to my cultural group, the Nukunu, to illustrate the challenges encountered and benefits gained from employing Indigenous representation protocols. ' (Author's introduction)
The 'Stolen Generations' in Feature Film: The Approach of Aboriginal Director Rachel Perkins and Others Theodore F. Sheckels , 2013 single work criticism
— Appears in: A Companion to Australian Aboriginal Literature 2013; (p. 173-185)

‘Aboriginality was filtered through a white consciousness that arguably distorted it. Then, beginning in roughly 1980, there were many films that reflected a white social consciousness insofar as they dealt with the injustices that Aboriginal people had experienced. In this essay the author attempts to account for the appearance of Aboriginals behind the camera beginning in the late 1980s. The crucial difference, however, once Aboriginals became artists, not just subjects, was the removal of the filtering white consciousness. Removing that filter had a counterintuitive effect, though: rather than prompting more overt depiction of the story of Aboriginals in white Australia, removing the filter resulted in strategic indirection in the telling of that story. This essay explores that strategic indirection.’ (Introduction) 

One Night the Moon (Rachel Perkins, 2001) Georgina Willis , 2014 single work review
— Appears in: Senses of Cinema , March no. 70 2014;

— Review of One Night the Moon John Romeril , Rachel Perkins , 2001 single work film/TV
Shared Dreamings Waiting to be Filmed Mark Byrne , 2005 single work column
— Appears in: The Australian , 31 May 2005; (p. 15)
Out from the Shadows Marcia Langton , 2006 single work criticism (taught in 1 units)
— Appears in: Meanjin , vol. 65 no. 1 2006; (p. 55-64)
Discusses the characterisation of the Aboriginal tracker in Australian films.
Rachel Perkins Australian Film Commission , 2007 single work non-fiction
— Appears in: Dreaming in Motion : Celebrating Australia's Indigenous Filmmakers 2007; (p. 51-53)
Contains Rachel Perkin's short film biography, her filmography, details on the film: Radiance and One Night the Moon, and a small commentary by Perkins on filmmaking.
Law and Identity at the Fence Kieran Dolin , 2009 single work criticism
— Appears in: Studies in Australasian Cinema , vol. 3 no. 1 2009; (p. 133-146)
'This article analyses the leitmotif of the fence in two Australian films from around the turn of the twenty-first century, Rabbit-Proof Fence and One Night the Moon. Drawing on the work of theorists such as Bhabha, Certeau and Morson it argues that in the aftermath of the landmark decisions acknowledging Aboriginal title to land in Australia these films revisit the legal past to make new claims with regard to sovereignty and to address the possibilities and barriers for reconciliation. In these contrasting films, the fence functions as a border, a 'space in-between' where new identities and visions of property are adumbrated.'
Film is the New Black Michaela Boland , 2009 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Australian Financial Review , 6-7 June 2009; (p. 28)
Last amended 10 Oct 2024 15:25:32
  • Flinders Ranges, North East South Australia, Far North South Australia, South Australia,
  • 1932
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