Issue Details: First known date: 2013... 2013 The 'Stolen Generations' in Feature Film: The Approach of Aboriginal Director Rachel Perkins and Others
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

‘Aboriginality was filtered through a white consciousness that arguably distorted it. Then, beginning in roughly 1980, there were many films that reflected a white social consciousness insofar as they dealt with the injustices that Aboriginal people had experienced. In this essay the author attempts to account for the appearance of Aboriginals behind the camera beginning in the late 1980s. The crucial difference, however, once Aboriginals became artists, not just subjects, was the removal of the filtering white consciousness. Removing that filter had a counterintuitive effect, though: rather than prompting more overt depiction of the story of Aboriginals in white Australia, removing the filter resulted in strategic indirection in the telling of that story. This essay explores that strategic indirection.’ (Introduction) 

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon A Companion to Australian Aboriginal Literature Belinda Wheeler (editor), Rochester : Camden House , 2013 Z1934527 2013 selected work criticism

    'Australian Aboriginal literature, once relegated to the margins of Australian literary studies, now receives both national and international attention. Not only has the number of published texts by contemporary Australian Aboriginals risen sharply, but scholars and publishers have also recently begun recovering earlier published and unpublished Indigenous works. Writing by Australian Aboriginals is making a decisive impression in fiction, autobiography, biography, poetry, film, drama, and music, and has recently been anthologized in Oceana and North America. Until now, however, there has been no comprehensive critical companion that contextualizes the Aboriginal canon for scholars, researchers, students, and general readers. This international collection of eleven original essays fills this gap by discussing crucial aspects of Australian Aboriginal literature and tracing the development of Aboriginal literacy from the oral tradition up until today, contextualizing the work of Aboriginal artists and writers and exploring aspects of Aboriginal life writing such as obstacles toward publishing, questions of editorial control (or the lack thereof), intergenerational and interracial collaborations combining oral history and life writing, and the pros and cons of translation into European languages. ' (Publication summary))

    Rochester : Camden House , 2013
    pg. 173-185
Last amended 19 Feb 2025 13:14:59
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