y separately published work icon Meanjin periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1991... vol. 50 no. 2-3 Winter-Spring 1991 of Meanjin est. 1940 Meanjin
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* Contents derived from the , 1991 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
World Series Opera, Alison Richards , single work criticism (p. 205-218)
Mainstreet : Making Theatre in the Country, David Watt , single work criticism (p. 219-230)
Decentring the Theatre, David Watt , Jenny Lee , single work criticism interview (p. 231-240)
Location, Location, Location : Australian Theatre on Safari, Rachel Fensham , single work criticism (p. 241-251)
The State Library of Victoria : The Perfumed Jargon, Andrew Lemon , single work criticism (p. 259-264)
Labor Versus the Libraries, Peter Stansfield , single work criticism (p. 265-271)
The Wormwood Auguryi"The wind that maggoted the kirkyard stones;", Anthony Lawrence , single work poetry (p. 272-274)
Faisal's Portraiti"Those high thin clouds are smeared across the blue", Stephen Edgar , single work poetry (p. 274-275)
Love Poemi"Spent tracer flecks Baghdad's", John Forbes , single work poetry war literature (p. 276)
Time is Running Outi"There's an urgent sense of hours ticking", Sherryl Clark , single work poetry (p. 293)
The Book Vendor: Salonikai"The last seed vendor has gone", Tom Petsinis , single work poetry (p. 294)
The Ground Keeps Shifting, Beate Josephi , single work criticism (p. 295-300)
Becoming Julie Andrews, Kristin Otto , single work short story (p. 301-306)
Lemon Delicious, Bronwyn Minifie , single work short story (p. 307-315)
Say Hello to Your Granddaughter, Janey Runci , single work short story (p. 316-320)
Mary and Her Father, Michelle Prak , single work short story (p. 321-327)
Without Thinking, Jocelyn Harewood , single work short story (p. 328-332)
Millstones, Julie Bevan , single work short story (p. 333-336)
Under the Influence, Liz Hassall , single work short story (p. 337-340)
Australian Tales of Mystery and Miscegenation, Tamsin Donaldson , single work criticism (p. 341-352)