y separately published work icon Scribbling in the Dark selected work   prose   satire  
Issue Details: First known date: 1985... 1985 Scribbling in the Dark
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* Contents derived from the St Lucia, Indooroopilly - St Lucia area, Brisbane - North West, Brisbane, Queensland,:University of Queensland Press , 1985 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Meeting the Great, Barry Oakley , single work prose humour (p. 3-8)
Is Gordon Speeding or Flashing?, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 9-14)
The Australian Ring-Tailed Novelist, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 15-26)
Fruit and Vegetables in Patrick White, Barry Oakley , single work prose humour satire (p. 27-33)
Giant Carp Terrorizes Fleet Street, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 34-36)
King of Carlton, We Was, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 37-41)
I Feel a Predicament Coming On, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 42-45)
Toronto Days, Toronto Nights: At the International Authors' Festival, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 46-52)
Into the Vonnegutter, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 53-55)
Portnoy, Red-Handed, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 56-58)
50,000 Feet Up on the Diachronic Plane, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 59-61)
Colliding with a Dwarf, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 62-65)
Memories of McNeil, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 66-69)
The Man with the Transylvanian Teeth, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 70-73)
Sunstruck in Adelaide, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 74-78)
Scribbling in the Dark, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 79-82)
The Montague Avenue Gang, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 85-91)
Forty Boys, Genuflecting, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 92-97)
I am a Windmill, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 98-102)
Disappearing Along the Tramlines, Barry Oakley , single work prose (p. 103-107)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Works about this Work

Paperbacks John Hanrahan , 1994 single work review
— Appears in: The Age , 8 January 1994; (p. 6)

— Review of Scribbling in the Dark Barry Oakley , 1985 selected work prose ; Crossing the Gap : A Novelist's Essays Christopher Koch , 1987 selected work essay criticism autobiography
Satirical Eye Tony Maniaty , 1993 single work review
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 27-28 November 1993; (p. rev 7)

— Review of Scribbling in the Dark Barry Oakley , 1985 selected work prose
The Unreal Oakley Stands Up Gerard Windsor , 1986 single work review
— Appears in: The Bulletin , 10 June vol. 108 no. 5522 1986; (p. 107)

— Review of Scribbling in the Dark Barry Oakley , 1985 selected work prose
Untitled David Rowbotham , 1986 single work review
— Appears in: The Courier-Mail , 29 March 1986; (p. 6)

— Review of Scribbling in the Dark Barry Oakley , 1985 selected work prose
Untitled D. Anderson , 1986 single work review
— Appears in: The National Times , 25 April-1 May 1986; (p. 43)

— Review of Scribbling in the Dark Barry Oakley , 1985 selected work prose
Satire and Sensibility on People and Places Veronica Sen , 1986 single work review
— Appears in: The Canberra Times , 31 May 1986; (p. B3)

— Review of Headlands : Prose Sketches Bruce Beaver , 1986 selected work prose poetry ; Scribbling in the Dark Barry Oakley , 1985 selected work prose
Satire, Humor, Revelation Frank Kellaway , 1986 single work review
— Appears in: Overland , September no. 104 1986; (p. 64-65)

— Review of Zooing Peter Goldsworthy , 1986 selected work short story ; That Eye, the Sky Tim Winton , 1986 single work novel ; see more review subjects
Pop's Dainty Savagery : Kicking Round the Footy of Laughter Barry Dickins , 1986 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , July no. 82 1986; (p. 24-25)

— Review of Scribbling in the Dark Barry Oakley , 1985 selected work prose
Growing Up Oakley John Moses , 1986 single work review
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 21-22 June 1986; (p. 16)

— Review of Scribbling in the Dark Barry Oakley , 1985 selected work prose
Oddments in Review Katharine England , 1986 single work review
— Appears in: The Advertiser , May 1986; (p. 21)

— Review of Scribbling in the Dark Barry Oakley , 1985 selected work prose
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