y separately published work icon Dorothy Hewett : Selected Critical Essays anthology   criticism   biography   bibliography  
Issue Details: First known date: 1995... 1995 Dorothy Hewett : Selected Critical Essays
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* Contents derived from the South Fremantle, Fremantle area, South West Perth, Perth, Western Australia,:Fremantle Press , 1995 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Dorothy Hewett's Garden and City, Bruce Bennett , single work criticism (p. 19-31)
Dorothy Hewett and the Left, John McLaren , single work criticism (p. 32-52)
A Ride with Love and Death: Writing the Legend of a Glittering Girl, Jennifer Strauss , single work criticism (p. 53-69)
"Bobbin Up" and the Working-Class Novel, Stephen Knight , single work criticism (p. 70-88)
Dorothy Hewett and Contemporary Australian Drama, Peter Fitzpatrick , single work criticism (p. 95-114)
Negative and Positive: Dorothy Hewett in Visual Images, Barbara Holloway , single work criticism (p. 115-126)
Imaging Dorothy Hewett, Lyn McCredden , single work criticism (p. 127-140)
Seeking Woman : Dorothy Hewett's Shifting Genres, Susan Lever , single work criticism (p. 147-162)
Representations of Female Identity in the Poetry of Dorothy Hewett, Jenny Digby , single work criticism (p. 163-179)
The Wheel, the Mirror and the Tower: Desire in the Writings of Dorothy Hewett, David Brooks , single work criticism (p. 180-201)
`Dreams... Visions... Spells... Stoies': Representations and Identity in `Bon-Bons and Roses for Dolly', Bill Dunstone , single work criticism (p. 202-216)
`Up in the Bio-Box': The Use of Hollywood Myth in Some Early Dorothy Hewett Plays, Harry Garlick , single work criticism (p. 217-235)
Dorothy's Reception in the Land of Oz: Hewett Among the Critics, Lawrence Bourke , single work criticism (p. 236-255)
A Check List of Works By and About Dorothy Hewett, Lawrence Bourke , single work bibliography (p. 256-294)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Works about this Work

Literary Body or Critical Corpse? Allan Gardiner , single work review
— Review of Dorothy Hewett : Selected Critical Essays 1995 anthology criticism biography bibliography
Looking for the Soft Spot Jane Jervis-Read , 2018 single work criticism
— Appears in: Meanjin , Spring vol. 77 no. 3 2018; (p. 35)

'Biographies OF Dorothy Hewett (1923-2002) usually include a short section like this: In 1944 she married communist lawyer Lloyd Davies and had a son who died of leukemia at age three. The marriage ended in divorce in 1948, following Hewett's departure to Sydney to live with Les Flood, a boilermaker, with whom she had three sons over five years'. That was from Wikipedia. It's just a few sentences, a handful of facts notable for many reasons, working backwards: the quick succession of births, the shift from a middle-class; marriage into a working-class one, the death of a child. He was her first child, named Clancy after the Aboriginal activist Clancy McKenna. Clancy, the child, was born in Perth and died tragically in Melbourne in 1950. The thing that snippet from Wikipedia doesn't make clear—that few biographies explore further than the bare facts-is that when Hewett left Davies, she left Clancy too. His sickness and death came the following year.' (Introduction)

Reading the Metaphors of Tree and Island in Kenneth Slessor, Judith Wright, and Dorothy Hewett Kathleen Steele , 2011 single work criticism
— Appears in: Antipodes , December vol. 25 no. 2 2011; (p. 185-190)
[Untitled] Elizabeth Schafer , 1997 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Studies , Winter vol. 12 no. 2 1997; (p. 125-126)

— Review of Dorothy Hewett : Selected Critical Essays 1995 anthology criticism biography bibliography
[Untitled] Marcella Polain , 1995 single work review
— Appears in: Fremantle Arts Review , April/May vol. 9 no. 8 1995; (p. 15)

— Review of Dorothy Hewett : Selected Critical Essays 1995 anthology criticism biography bibliography
Defiant Pioneers Fiona Capp , 1995 single work review
— Appears in: The Age , 18 February 1995; (p. 8)

— Review of No Place for a Nervous Lady : Voices from the Australian Bush 1984 anthology correspondence ; Dorothy Hewett : Selected Critical Essays 1995 anthology criticism biography bibliography ; see more review subjects
Forecasts Elaine Lindsay , 1994 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Bookseller & Publisher , December vol. 74 no. 1054 1994; (p. 25,28)

— Review of Dorothy Hewett : Selected Critical Essays 1995 anthology criticism biography bibliography
Talent Fainter on the Airwaves Van Ikin , 1995 single work review
— Appears in: The Sydney Morning Herald , 25 February 1995; (p. 11A)

— Review of Dorothy Hewett : Selected Critical Essays 1995 anthology criticism biography bibliography ; Off the Air : Nine Plays for Radio Elizabeth Jolley , 1995 selected work drama
Voices from the West Mark Thomas , 1995 single work review
— Appears in: The Canberra Times , 4 March 1995; (p. C12)

— Review of Dorothy Hewett : Selected Critical Essays 1995 anthology criticism biography bibliography ; Tilting at Matilda : Literature, Aborigines, Women and the Church in Contemporary Australia 1994 anthology short story criticism extract poetry ; see more review subjects
A Spacious Lineage Judith Rodriguez , 1995 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , April no. 169 1995; (p. 50-51)

— Review of Dorothy Hewett : Selected Critical Essays 1995 anthology criticism biography bibliography
Reading the Metaphors of Tree and Island in Kenneth Slessor, Judith Wright, and Dorothy Hewett Kathleen Steele , 2011 single work criticism
— Appears in: Antipodes , December vol. 25 no. 2 2011; (p. 185-190)
Looking for the Soft Spot Jane Jervis-Read , 2018 single work criticism
— Appears in: Meanjin , Spring vol. 77 no. 3 2018; (p. 35)

'Biographies OF Dorothy Hewett (1923-2002) usually include a short section like this: In 1944 she married communist lawyer Lloyd Davies and had a son who died of leukemia at age three. The marriage ended in divorce in 1948, following Hewett's departure to Sydney to live with Les Flood, a boilermaker, with whom she had three sons over five years'. That was from Wikipedia. It's just a few sentences, a handful of facts notable for many reasons, working backwards: the quick succession of births, the shift from a middle-class; marriage into a working-class one, the death of a child. He was her first child, named Clancy after the Aboriginal activist Clancy McKenna. Clancy, the child, was born in Perth and died tragically in Melbourne in 1950. The thing that snippet from Wikipedia doesn't make clear—that few biographies explore further than the bare facts-is that when Hewett left Davies, she left Clancy too. His sickness and death came the following year.' (Introduction)

Last amended 8 Apr 2010 14:01:47