'In a strange and richly compelling story, Rosie Scott reveals the subterranean world of seventeen-year-old Adan Loney. The deceptively simple narrative slides beneath the surface into the primal world of fears and dreams he can't articulate - the force that drives him as he travels up the coast into the surreal landscapes of Australia's far northern tropics, in search of a meaning he only half understands, burdened and inspired by his movie dreams.' (Publication Summary)
One of the reasons so many actors of my generation have been drawn to actors in America - Brando first, Clift, De Niro, Pesci, Duvall - is the way in which poetry is created out of the life of someone who can't express himself. - Daniel Day Lewis
Imagination separated from reality festers. - Angela Carter
I am too alone in the world and not alone enough to make every moment holy. - Rainer Maria Rilke