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1 1 y separately published work icon Australian Studies vol. 15 no. 2 Winter David Callahan (editor), 2000 London : Frank Cass Publishers , 2002 Z941634 2000 periodical issue
1 y separately published work icon Contemporary Issues in Australian Literature David Callahan (editor), Portland London : Frank Cass Publishers , 2002 6987733 2002 anthology criticism

'The contemporary study of Australian literature, as befitting that of a country that has been at the forefront of postcolonial studies, is a highly self-conscious and theoreticised enterprise, carried on now by academics across the globe and not just by Australians concerned to privilege a discourse of national assertion and specificity, as used to be the case. This volume accordingly deals with issues such as the tensions between literary and cultural studies, indigenous autobiography, postcolonial nostalgia, masculinity, the placing of Australia in the Pacific and in Asia, the uses of Australian literature in the United States, and includes the considerations of such widely-studied authors as Mudrooroo, Peter Carey and Patrick White.'

Source: Book jacket.

1 y separately published work icon Australian Studies vol. 14 no. 1-2 Summer/Winter Ian Craven (editor), 1999 London : Frank Cass Publishers , 2001 Z943338 1999 periodical issue A collection of critical articles and reviews which offer a "series of overlapping but distinct perspectives on Australian cinema" of the 1990s.
1 y separately published work icon Australian Studies Guy M. Robinson (editor), Philip Paynton (editor), Tim Causer (editor), 1988 London : Frank Cass Publishers , 1988-2000 Z943320 1988 periodical (32 issues)

"Australian Studies is the journal of the British Australian Studies Association (BASA), which was established in 1982 to bring together individuals and institutions concerned with the study of Australia, and/or the teaching of Australian topics in secondary and tertiary education. ... Australian Studies has a multidisciplinary focus, with an interest in all aspects of Australian experience and endeavour. The journal's particular aim is to foster innovative critical approaches, and to encourage connections between traditionally discrete areas of research."
(Information derived from vol.14 nos.1 & 2, Summer/Winter 1999.)

1 y separately published work icon Prose Studies 1977 London : Frank Cass Publishers , 1977- Z1194493 1977 periodical (2 issues)