Millennium Books Millennium Books i(A36914 works by) (Organisation) assertion
Born: Established: Newtown, Marrickville - Camperdown area, Sydney Southern Suburbs, Sydney, New South Wales, ;
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Works By

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4 5 y separately published work icon Luminous Greg Egan , London : Millennium Books , 1998 Z548356 1998 selected work short story science fiction
1 3 y separately published work icon The Millennium Book of Myth and Story H. M. Saxby , Alexandria : Millennium Books , 1997 Z847940 1997 selected work children's fiction children's myth/legend
1 y separately published work icon One Whale Singing Pamela O'Connor , Newtown : Millennium Books , 1994 Z847575 1994 single work children's fiction children's historical fiction
1 y separately published work icon Odd Bods Toy Martin , Newtown : Millennium Books , 1993 Z1253157 1993 single work novel young adult
1 y separately published work icon Light Fingered Lessons Toy Martin , Newtown : Millennium Books , 1993 Z1054642 1993 single work novel young adult mystery
1 y separately published work icon Go For It! Toy Martin , Newtown : Millennium Books , 1993 Z1054636 1993 single work novel young adult mystery
1 3 y separately published work icon The Secret of Falcon's Roost Ruth McTavish Drobnak , New South Wales : Millennium Books , 1993 Z849435 1993 single work children's fiction children's adventure
1 2 y separately published work icon At the Swamp's Edge Jo Fisher , New South Wales : Millennium Books , 1993 Z849204 1993 single work children's fiction children's
1 1 y separately published work icon Larrikins Mary Roberts , New South Wales : Millennium Books , 1993 Z837975 1993 single work children's fiction children's
1 1 y separately published work icon Trouble at Turkey Brush Margaret Paice , Newtown : Millennium Books , 1993 Z837493 1993 single work children's fiction children's historical fiction
1 1 y separately published work icon Bolton Road Spy Catchers Margaret Pearce , Newtown : Millennium Books , 1993 Z837461 1993 single work children's fiction children's historical fiction
2 1 y separately published work icon Eureka Gold Vashti Farrer , New South Wales : Millennium Books , 1993 Z837404 1993 single work children's fiction children's historical fiction
1 2 y separately published work icon My Mate Jock Dorothy Williams , Newtown : Millennium Books , 1993 Z837401 1993 single work children's fiction children's historical fiction

Charlie is too young to enlist, but he becomes the man of the house to two families struggling to make a living from the land.

1 y separately published work icon Fakes and Fast Horses Toy Martin , Newtown : Millennium Books , 1992 Z1253148 1992 single work novel young adult
1 y separately published work icon Secret Stock Toy Martin , Newtown : Millennium Books , 1992 Z1253142 1992 single work novel young adult
1 y separately published work icon The Price of a Prize Toy Martin , Newtown : Millennium Books , 1992 Z1253137 1992 single work novel young adult
1 1 y separately published work icon Tessa and the Golden Dragon Pamela O'Connor , Newtown : Millennium Books , 1992 Z849228 1992 single work children's fiction children's
1 2 y separately published work icon I Can Look After Myself Dorothy Williams , Newtown : Millennium Books , 1992 Z461337 1992 single work novel young adult historical fiction
1 2 y separately published work icon Caught in Willaburra Margaret Pearce , Newtown : Millennium Books , 1992 Z461242 1992 single work novel young adult historical fiction

Fourteen-year-old Kate is lost in a time-warp. She isn't clear about who she is or how she has ended up as an assistant teacher in the stuffy old bush school. She doesn't understand why she suddenly seems to have begun living in a world that resembles one huge antique shop.

- Publisher's blurb

1 5 y separately published work icon Making Australia : Exploring Our National Conversation John Thornhill , Newtown : Millennium Books , 1992 Z440045 1992 single work criticism