Brigid Maher Brigid Maher i(A144086 works by)
Born: Established: Lucca, Tuscany,
Western Europe, Europe,
Gender: Female
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1 y separately published work icon Perspectives on Literature and Translation : Creation, Circulation, Reception Brian Nelson (editor), Brigid Maher (editor), New York (City) : Routledge , 2013 8164945 2013 anthology criticism

'This volume explores the relationship between literature and translation from three perspectives: the creative dimensions of the translation process; the way texts circulate between languages; and the way texts are received in translation by new audiences. The distinctiveness of the volume lies in the fact that it considers these fundamental aspects of literary translation together and in terms of their interconnections. Contributors examine a wide variety of texts, including world classics, poetry, genre fiction, transnational literature, and life writing from around the world. Both theoretical and empirical issues are covered, with some contributors approaching the topic as practitioners of literary translation, and others writing from within the academy.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Words, Images and Performances in Translation Rita Wilson (editor), Brigid Maher (editor), London : Continuum , 2012 8165294 2012 anthology criticism

This title looks at the important role translation studies plays in exploring how words, sounds and images are translated and reinterpreted in new socio-cultural contexts. This volume presents fresh approaches to the role that translation - in its many forms - plays in enabling and mediating global cultural exchange. As modes of communication and textual production continue to evolve, the field of translation studies has an increasingly important role in exploring the ways in which words, sounds and images are translated and reinterpreted in new socio-cultural contexts. The book includes an innovative mix of literary, cultural and intersemiotic perspectives and represents a wide range of languages and cultures. The contributions are all linked by a shared focus on the place of translation in the contemporary world, and the ways in which translation, and the discipline of translation studies, can shed light on questions of inter- and hypertextuality, multimodality and new media in contemporary cultural production. Published in association with the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS), "Continuum Studies in Translation" aims to present a series of books focused around central issues in translation and interpreting. Using case studies drawn from a wide range of different countries and languages, each book presents a comprehensive examination of current areas of research within translation studies written by academics at the forefront of the field. The thought-provoking books in this series are aimed at advanced students and researchers of translation studies. [Trove]

1 y separately published work icon The AALITRA Review Cristina Savin (editor), Lola Sundin (editor), Hélène Jaccomard (editor), Eliza Nicoll (editor), Brian Nelson (editor), Brigid Maher (editor), Leah Gerber (editor), Lintao Qi (editor), Caulfield East : Australian Association for Literary Translation , 2010- 29474337 2010 periodical (1 issues)

'The AALITRA Review is an peer-reviewed online journal published by The Australian Association for Literary Translation (AALITRA), which was launched in March 2010. 

'The AALITRA Review hopes to foster a community of literary translators and to be a forum for lively debate concerning issues related to the translation of literary texts. We publish two non-thematic issues a year, and on alternate year, one Special issue devoted to a particular topic. All submissions are subject to anonymous peer review.'

Source: About the Journal ( (Sighted: 30/01/2025)

1 'The sky here compensates for solitude' : Space and Displacement in a Migrant's Tale Brigid Maher , 2007 single work criticism
— Appears in: Literature and Aesthetics , December vol. 17 no. 2 2007; (p. 174-191)
This paper 'deals with translation in more than one sense of the word, but its focus remains on questions of language, expresssion, identity and interlingual literary translation. I explore these issues through an analysis of Rosa R. Cappiello's Paese fortunato (1981), a novel that expresses or "translates" the narrator's bilcultural and bilingual migrant experience; I also consider the actual interlingual translation of the novel, from Italian into English ... and its reception in the English language' (p. 174).