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Issue Details: First known date: 2007... 2007 Family Matters
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'While Vincent and Jack fight for Bart's life in the Operating Theatre, Frank finds himself eaten up with worry and guilt over the situation. Being interviewed by the police and having to relive the horrifying moment when his protege hit the floor in a bleeding mess does nothing to settle his nerves. As Bart hovers near death, Frank's guilt overwhelms him and we're left wondering if he'll be able to rise above it.

'Meanwhile, Dan is still stuck in his house with an escaped prisoner who also happens to be Erica's brother. He knows the man is carrying a more serious injury than even AJ himself realises. Even with his best efforts, and the knowledge that it's Ricky's brother he's dealing with, it looks as if Dan could very well fail in his quest to save a life.

'Zoe must deal with an overwrought father who feels responsible for his daughter's illness while Cate, still recovering from her drug overdose, makes a life decision that sees her leave the Emergency Department forever.'

Source: Australian Television Information Archive. (Sighted: 25/6/2013)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Last amended 25 Jun 2013 11:13:42