In addition to regular cast members, this episode included Wendy Strehlow (Lorraine Tanner), Celeste Barber (Bree Matthews), Jacinta Stapleton (Jo Henderson), Jay Gallagher (AJ Temple), Steve Rodgers (Paul Taylor), Frank Gallacher (Bruce Campion), Stellios Yiakmis (Dectective Sgt De Santo), Ersun Aydin (Detective Mills), Vince Poletto (Nondas Poulos), Tanya Bulmer (Maria Poulos), Isabelle Nicolas (Alice May Poulos), Benjamin Prindable (Dr Lachlan Maroney), Karen Cobban (Therese McMasters), Kylee Ferguson (Scout Nurse), Moniue Prowse (Scrub Nurse #1), Louise Gillott (Scrub Nurse #2), and Leo Domigan (Anaesthetic Nurse).