y separately published work icon Going Down Swinging periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2021... no. 42 January 2021 of Going Down Swinging est. 2013 Going Down Swinging
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* Contents derived from the , 2021 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Grow-a-Boy, Helena Pantsis , single work short story (p. 10-19)
Pretty Pussy, Mira Schlosberg , single work graphic novel (p. 30-35)
Extremely Small Sample of Dates People Said the World Would Endi"honky maths regarding the dimensions of Noah’s Ark predicted the world’s demise.", Alicia Sometimes , single work poetry (p. 36-39)
Crocodile, Jack Kirne , single work essay (p. 40-51)
Charmed.net, Aaron Billings , single work essay
'When I was in early high school, I pretended to be a 30-yearold Californian woman on a Charmed fan forum. I did this with my best friend D, who was also my secret boyfriend. His username was Lorelai, after the Gilmore mother, and my name was Tamara. D and I had been friends since primary school, where we bonded over a love of Bionicles, these LEGO action figures that looked like tribal insects with weapons. I bought tassels from Spotlight and tied them to the backs of their heads so they could have long flowing ponytails, and we would smash these creatures into each other on the floor of my bedroom. After Bionicles we became briefly obsessed with Eurovision. We memorised the names of all the obscure European countries, and would drop Bosnia-Herzegovina into conversation with other kids on the playground to be annoying. We were insufferable and inseparable and, looking back on it, very flamboyant.' (Introduction)    
(p. 52-59)
Things to Remember, Tegan Webb , single work short story (p. 60-61)
On Shift, Meredith Tyler , single work short story (p. 62-63)
Wealth for Toil, Janette Chen , single work short story (p. 64-69)
Mid-20s, Death of Logic and Reasoning, Marcus Ong , single work short story (p. 70-77)
Giving the Thing a Label Means We've Stopped Examining Iti"We speak in knots, the year is dangerous, and people...", Shey Marque , single work poetry (p. 78-79)
I Want to Be Paris Hiltoni"Ask me how to spell humility by heart", Morgan-Lee Snell , single work poetry (p. 88-93)
Taxidermy, Lisette Muratore , single work graphic novel (p. 108-121)
Who Am I?i"You have caught me in the final", Jocelin Chan , single work poetry (p. 122-123)
Third Person Carly Stone, Carly Stone , single work short story (p. 124-131)
Aubade (Earth-TRN688)i"Some miles from the border they heave up", Shastra Deo , single work poetry (p. 132-137)
To Break : The Bread, the Bone, Nikkola Mikocki-Bleeker , single work essay
'My father has large hands. When he collects me from the 12.52 Wendouree train, he places one on my side and twists to kiss me whiskery on my cheek, wet from horizontal rain between the platform and car. Papi's hands are muscular, calloused, thick. They appear damaged but I know, of everything on his body, they're probably the least.' (Introduction)    
(p. 138-149)
Heart, Nose, Flower, Kim Lam , single work graphic novel (p. 150-157)
Not a Mirror but a Lake, Katherine Kruimink , single work short story (p. 158-165)