Issue Details: First known date: 2017... 2017 Storying Sovereignty and ‘Sustainable Self-Determination’ in Alexis Wright’s Carpentaria and Warwick Thornton’s Samson and Delilah
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'Documenting the limited success of land rights alone in securing the basic infrastructure for indigenous people, such that they might 'enjoy' those rights, and 'grow the land', Tracker Tilmouth's warnings about the dangers of ignoring both the structural aspects of indigenous disadvantage and the cultivation of local processes in addressing it, appeared not in 2007, when the plot of the Australian federal government's Northern Territory (`national emergency') intervention into remote indigenous communities came to light, but in 1997, in the introduction to an anthology of writings compiled by Alexis Wright (1998) for the Central Land Council.' Preceding the intervention's belated interest in questions of indigenous security, health (itself 'one of the most highly politicized domains of Indigenous affairs in Australia') (Sutton 2009: 115) and well-being, Tilmouth acknowledges how the (politico-legal) battle for land rights may have distracted the parties engaged from the larger project of creating and supporting a 'sustainable self-determination' (Corntassel 2008: 105-32) for indigenous Australians. Acknowledging that `sustainable development Implies meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs' (Ibid.: 105). the Native American scholar Jeff Comtassel promotes the idea of developing a 'sustainable self-determination' in order to emphasize the necessity of 'a more holistic and dynamic approach to regenerating indigenous nations' and as a means to combat the ways in which, as he sees it, the dominant framing of self-determination rights as 'political/ legal entitlements' have 'de-emphasised the responsibilities and relationships that indigenous people have with their families and the natural world that are critical for the health and well being of future generations' (ibid.). For Comtassel, 'sustainable self-determination' must become a 'benchmark for the restoration of indigenous livelihoods and territories' and for future political agitation (ibid.: 109). Tilmouth's emphasis on building upon successful local Indigenous models is shared by Comtassel who documents how discourses of sustainability have, in the past, often worked against the greater good of indigenous. He argues that 'what Is considered sustainable practice by states comes at a high price for indigenous communities, often leading to the further degradation of their homelands and natural resources (ibid.: 108). Consequently, he suggests, the time has come for indigenous peoples to reassert sustainability on their teams. If Tilmouth's comments in 1997 anticipate a renewed focus on 'indigenous' ecosystems, his emphasis on the enjoyment of land rights reflects too the permutations marking the major documents and instruments that articulate the ambitions of both local and transnational indigenous movements, not least the United Nations (UN) 'Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples' which reiterates the right of indigenous to 'be secure in the enjoyment of their own means of subsistence and development. and to engage freely in all their traditional and other economic activities'. I don't mean to suggest here that the UN's formulation captures the fullness of indigenous ambitions, for such documents are always a compromise, the product of a coalition of diversely oriented interests and agreements/disagreements. Rather, I mean to denote a continuity of emphasis across spheres of interest, local and transnational. (Introduction)



  • Epigraph:

    A lot of people thought and still think that land rights would answer all needs. But at times, land rights has stopped and started with the tide handover ... Government departments and others forgot that what people were talking about was the enjoyment of land rights ... [which] can be extremely limited [because of poor infrastructure — roads, water, electricity etc].

    Economic development does not have to mean commercial development in the usual Western sense. It can also mean maintaining indigenous economic processes and cultures, and building on them so people have the resources to enjoy land rights (Tihnouth 1998: xi).

    Carpentaria is the land of the untouched: an Indigenous sovereignty of the imagination. Just such a story as we might tell in our story place. Something to grow the land perhaps. Or, to visit the future (Wright 2006: 94). 

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Performing Identities : Celebrating Indigeneity in the Arts G. N. Devy (editor), Geoffrey V. Davis (editor), K. K. Chakravarty (editor), New York (City) : Routledge , 2017 21550005 2017 anthology criticism

    'Performing Identities brings together essays by scholars, artists and activists engaged in understanding and conserving rapidly disappearing local knowledge forms of indigenous communities across continents. It depicts the imaginative transactions evident in the interface of identity and cultural transformation, raising the issue of cultural rights of these otherwise marginalized communities.' (Publication summary)

    New York (City) : Routledge , 2017
Last amended 16 Apr 2021 09:07:53
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