Issue Details: First known date: 2020... 2020 Doing Collective Biography Differently by Incorporating Methods of Narrative Inquiry, Poetic Inquiry and Performance Studies into the Analysis of Writings-as-data
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    y separately published work icon TEXT Special Issue Website Series Creating Communities : Collaboration in Creative Writing and Research no. 59 October Lee McGowan (editor), Alex Philp (editor), Ella Jeffery (editor), 2020 20756512 2020 periodical issue 'An Early Career Researcher (ECR), a Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidate and an older researcher walk into a bar … a cliché perhaps, but we are keenly aware that this is all too often how discussions of collaborative endeavours begin. We are confident it is how a number of the contributions in this Special Issue began – the creation of informal spaces, opportunities and networks to make it possible is the focus of at least one article. The idea for a TEXT Special Issue centred on collaboration emerged when we, as three creative writing academics in different stages of our careers, began discussing not only how we collaborated, but why we did (or did not) do it. Our discussions ranged from the collaborative process as a means to build capacity, academic employability, and a research profile; to produce a sense of belonging in HDR communities; and to the deeply rewarding though at times challenging nuances of working with colleagues who are also friends. Collaborative endeavours raise questions of opportunity and innovation, and of power shifts and hierarchies, as well as of what we value as practitioners. The increasing pressure to publish placed on academics in all stages of their careers by both our institutions and the broader research environment demands further considerations. Questions raised in our early discussions are centred in this Special Issue. We ask: How does collaboration in our patch of the academy work? What are the possible benefits and challenges of collaborative practice? How do we build creative writing communities in the academy, and why should we?' (Lee McGowan, Alex Philp and Ella Jeffery, Introduction) 2020