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1 There’s Something about Heide Yves Rees , 2024 single work essay
— Appears in: Meanjin , June vol. 83 no. 2 2024; (p. 62-69)
1 ‘Dancing on My Tongue’ : A Sapphic-Heavy Cultural Moment Yves Rees , 2024 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , July no. 466 2024; (p. 30)

— Review of A Language Of Limbs Dylin Hardcastle , 2024 single work novel

'In early 1971, two Newcastle teenagers are overcome with sapphic appetites. Each is inflamed with lust for her childhood best friend, the literal girl next door. What to do about this forbidden desire? The first – Limb One – acts on her hunger. She enjoys a golden summer of covert fucking, before being discovered by her parents in flagrante delicto. After being beaten and kicked out of home, she hitches a ride to Sydney. True to herself, she is homeless and alone at sixteen. The second – Limb Two – follows the more well-worn path of repression. She buries her desires, acquires a boyfriend, studies hard. The good girl, beloved by her parents. One conundrum, two choices. How will the dice fall?' (Introduction)

1 5 y separately published work icon Travelling to Tomorrow : The Modern Women Who Sparked Australia’s Romance with America Yves Rees , Sydney : NewSouth Publishing , 2024 28347342 2024 single work biography

'A celebrity decorator with blue hair. A single mother who advised JFK in the Oval Office. A Christian nudist with a passion for almond milk.

'A century ago, ten Australian women did something remarkable. Throwing convention to the wind, they headed across the Pacific to make their fortune. In doing so, they reoriented Australia towards the United States years before politicians began to lumber down the same path.

'For the artist Mary Cecil Allen, this meant spreading the word about American abstract expressionism. For the naturopath Alice Caporn, it meant evangelising fruit juices and salads. For the swimmer Isabel Letham, it was teaching synchronised swimming. Others imported the latest thinking in dentistry, fashion, economics, law, music, medicine and more. They were rebels, they were trailblazers, they were disruptors. Individually, they have extraordinary stories; together, they change the narrative of Australian history.' (Publication summary)

1 Poetry, Parties and ‘strong Australian Tea’. The Surprising Story of How Anzac Day Has Been Marked in the US for Over 100 Years Yves Rees , 2024 single work column
— Appears in: The Conversation , 24 April 2024;
1 A Time of Transness : A New Phase in Trans Literature Yves Rees , 2023 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , October no. 458 2023; (p. 49)

— Review of A Real Piece of Work Erin Riley , 2023 selected work essay

'Alot can change in a few years. In March 2020, on the eve of the Covid-19 pandemic, I wrote a review essay for ABR about the proliferation of trans and gender diverse (TGD) life writing. Back then, the most notable examples came from overseas, and – with the exception of established names like ABC’s Eddie Ayres (now Ed Le Broq), author of the 2017 memoir Danger Music – major Australian publishers had yet to take a chance on local trans voices.' (Introduction)

1 Hidden Women of History : Disabled Australian Author Dorothy Cottrell Was ‘the Liane Moriarty of the Jazz Age’ but Is Almost Unheard of Here Yves Rees , 2023 single work column
— Appears in: The Conversation , 20 September 2023;

'In the late 1920s, poet Mary Gilmore – the woman on the A$10 note – declared she’d encountered only two instances of “genius” during her four decades in Australian literature. The first was a man who remains a household name: Henry Lawson, bush poet, author of iconic stories like The Drover’s Wife, who upon his death received a state funeral. Today, Lawson’s work is still widely taught in schools.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Kate Grenville in Conversation Yves Rees (interviewer), 2023 26809759 2023 single work podcast interview
1 Adventures in the New Sobriety Yves Rees , 2022 single work essay
— Appears in: Meanjin , June vol. 81 no. 2 2022; (p. 100-109) Meanjin Online 2022;
'Melbourne had just emerged from its fifth lockdown and the bar was packed. A little after six on a drizzly Saturday eve, every table was occupied by punters perusing the leatherbound drinks list and shouting questions over the din. The decor was bordello chic, all velvet sofas, gilded mirrors and midnight-blue walls. Tasselled lamps adorned the bar and bird cages swung from the ceiling. Wait staff carried trays of negronis, 18 bucks a pop. The clientele skewed young and female. Around the biggest tables clustered twentysomething white women, dressed up for a big night out to cast off the lockdown blues. They had the expensive hair, perfect makeup and slight hauteur of cool girls worldwide. As night fell, they drank round after round of drinks poured from the backlit bottles that lined the bar. It was 'Sex and the City' meets hipster Melbourne. Except in one crucial respect, it wasn't. Despite appearances, there was no alcohol in this scene. The beer, the wine, the cocktails-all devoid of grog. The bar was Brunswick Aces, Australia's first alcohol-free watering hole, and every carousing patron was sober as a judge.' (Introduction)
1 The Book That Changed Me : How Priya Satia’s Time’s Monster Landed like a Bomb in My Historian’s Brain Yves Rees , 2022 single work column
— Appears in: The Conversation , 22 January 2022;

'I’ve always wanted to be a historian. From childhood, I was captivated by the idea of spending my days bringing the past to life. At first, I aspired to be a historical consultant on BBC period dramas. Later, I set my sights on becoming a professor.' (Introduction)

1 1 y separately published work icon Nothing to Hide : Voices of Trans and Gender Diverse Australia Yves Rees (editor), Crows Nest : Allen and Unwin , 2022 24696854 2022 anthology autobiography 'Nothing to Hide is Australia's first mainstream anthology of trans and gender diverse writing. While there has been unprecedented trans visibility in Australia in the last decade, this visibility has not always been positive, shadowed at every step by transphobic misinformation and extremist rhetoric. As a counter to the harmful chorus of anti-trans voices, this collection features the work of thirty trans and gender diverse people who sit across the spectrum of age, race, geography and circumstance. The writers give voice to their communities and tell their own stories, on their own terms. Showcasing the wealth of creativity within the trans and gender diverse community and providing illuminating insights into the challenges and joys of trans experience, Nothing to Hide is a powerful contribution to Australian letters.'

 (Publication summary)

1 Australia in Three Books Yves Rees , 2021 single work review
— Appears in: Meanjin Online 2021; Meanjin , Summer vol. 80 no. 4 2021;

— Review of Fairyland : A Novel Sumner Locke Elliott , 1990 single work novel ; Dancing on Coral Glenda Adams , 1987 single work novel ; Wild Abandon Emily Bitto , 2021 single work novel
1 Keeping up the Fight : Brazen Hussies Yves Rees , 2021 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Historical Studies , vol. 52 no. 4 2021; (p. 632-633)

— Review of Brazen Hussies Catherine Dwyer , 2020 single work film/TV

'On an overcast Monday in March 2021, ten thousand people flooded into Melbourne’s Treasury Gardens for the March4Justice. It was a public outpouring of rage in response to a belated #MeToo moment within Australian federal politics. After sexual assault campaigner Grace Tame was named Australian of the Year, former Liberal staffer Brittany Higgins went public with allegations she had been raped in Parliament House. Mere weeks later, a historic rape allegation against Attorney-General Christian Porter hit the headlines. To all appearances, the scourge of sexual violence was running rampant within the highest offices in the country. In Treasury Gardens, the crowd voiced their disgust, joining a chorus of 110,000 at over forty events across the country. Many of those holding signs were older women, veterans of Women’s liberation, who expressed dismay that – five decades on – they were still protesting rape and gendered violence. From beneath the plane trees, march organisers led the Melbourne crowd in a rendition of Helen Reddy’s 1972 single ‘I Am Woman’. The anthem of women’s lib was back to rouse the masses once more.'  (Introduction)

1 y separately published work icon Airwave Feminism Yves Rees , 2021 23442855 2021 single work podcast
1 All About Yves : An Extract Yves Rees , 2021 single work extract novel
— Appears in: Kill Your Darlings [Online] , September 2021;
1 What Counts Yves Rees , 2021 single work essay
— Appears in: Sydney Review of Books , September 2021;

'On the night of Tuesday 10 August, Australia’s population came under the microscope. The 2021 Census counted the number of engineers, of Buddhists, and single person households. It recorded the number of cars and tabulated our diseases. It even counted past and present ADF personnel.' (Introduction)

1 1 Airwave Feminism : A History of Women Broadcasters Yves Rees , 2021 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , September no. 435 2021; (p. 39-40)

— Review of Sound Citizens : Australian Women Broadcasters Claim their Voice, 1923-1956 Catherine Fisher , 2021 single work biography
'In the era of perpetual Covid lockdowns, many of us can relate to the isolation of the mid-twentieth-century housewife. Like her, we’re stuck at home, orbiting our kitchens, watching the light move across the floorboards. Each day mirrors the last, a quiet existence spent mostly in the company of the immediate household. Yet whereas we can flee our domestic confines via Netflix or TikTok, last century’s housewife had fewer avenues to the wider world. There was reading, of course – books or magazines or newspapers – but this was usually reserved for the end of the day. For most waking hours, her hands and eyes were needed for cooking, cleaning, mending, childcare, and a thousand other tasks.' (Introduction)
1 3 y separately published work icon All About Yves : Notes from a Transition Yves Rees , Crows Nest : Allen and Unwin , 2021 22116933 2021 single work autobiography

'A timely and thought-provoking memoir about the trans experience.

'Rees provides us with their deep insights into contemporary trans and gender diverse history as it's being made . . . All About Yves is the book I wish I'd been able to give my mother when I was transitioning.' Sam Elkin, Transgender Victoria Board Member

'Was I always trans, part boy beneath my skin, or was it that I landed in a place where 'girl' was a container so small it could break your bones?

'I learn that a ready smile and sympathetic ear are the only props required to impersonate a woman. The performance becomes so familiar I almost forget that it's staged.

'What happens when, aged 30, you understand you're transgender?

'This was the question that confronted Yves Rees, a historian whose life was upended by gender transition in 2018. Then known as a woman called Anne, Yves was forced to grapple with the sudden knowledge that they were not, in fact, female at all.

'But when you've lived a lie for so long, how do you discover who you really are? And how do you re-learn to live in the world as a different gender?

'All About Yves tells their moving journey of re-becoming, at the same time laying bare the messiness of bodies, gender and identity. It shares the challenges and joys of being transgender in Australia today, and reveals how trans experiences like Yves' can teach all of us about what it means to be human.

(Publication summary)

1 What I’m Reading Yves Rees , 2020 single work column
— Appears in: Meanjin Online 2020;
1 Storying the Suffragists Yves Rees , 2020 single work review
— Appears in: Sydney Review of Books , November 2020;

— Review of Vida : A Woman for Our Time Jacqueline Kent , 2020 single work biography
'There’s a story that keeps being told. It goes like this: it’s 1902, and the inaugural International Woman Suffrage Conference has drawn women from around the world to Washington, DC. It’s a historic meeting of nations, and the star of the show is a willowy 33-year-old from Melbourne. Her name is Vida Goldstein and she’s there to represent Australia and New Zealand, two nations riding high on their trailblazing political achievements. New Zealand gave women the vote in 1893, South Australia in 1894, Western Australia in 1899. Now, in 1902, the new Commonwealth of Australia is about to grant white women the right to vote and stand for federal parliament – a world first. The two British settler colonies are leading the world in democratic innovation and women’s rights.'
1 Training Historians in Urgent Times Yves Rees , Ben Huf , 2020 single work essay
— Appears in: History Australia , vol. 17 no. 2 2020; (p. 272-292)

'The next generation of Australian historians face daunting challenges: the imperative to craft new historical narratives that inform and redirect unfolding ecological, economic and political crises, while facing escalating academic precarity and associated anxiety and depression. Honours level and PhD pedagogy, which remains little changed from the mid-twentieth century, is arguably insufficient for these challenges. How might we, as educators, find creative and pragmatic ways to better train and nurture tomorrow’s scholars? Critically reflecting on our Histories of Capitalism Winter School piloted in 2019, this article argues for the potential of grassroots ‘micro-utopias’ structured around interdisciplinarity, collegiality, inclusivity and public mindedness.' (Publication abstract)