The theme of the 5th China Australia Literary Forum was 'Ideas of the Future: Building Relations'. The event, held 2nd September 2019, Melbourne, was hosted by jointly hosted by the Writing & Society Research Centre, the Australia-China Institute for Arts and Culture, Australian Centre (University of Melbourne), and the China Writers’ Association.
Participating Australian literary authors included: Lisa Gorton, Kate Fagan, David McCooey, and Felicity Castagna.
Participating Chinese authors included: Zheng Xiaoqiong (poet), Xia Jia (novelist), Dong Xi (novelist), and Yong Li (novelist).
Participating scholars and publishers included: Yan Jingming (critic), Li Guoping (critic), Ying Hong (editor and publisher), James Ley (critic), Xiang Ren (scholar, publishing), Sam Cooney (publisher), Ken Gelder (critic), and Justin Clemens (critic)
Welcome to Country by Uncle Colin Hunter.
Full text of the presentations, in both English and Chinese, is available from the event website here.*XY4
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