y separately published work icon Southerly periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 2012... vol. 72 no. 2 2012 of Southerly est. 1939 Southerly
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* Contents derived from the , 2012 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Gender Politics of Underbelly Razor, Marise Williams , single work criticism
'In the 1990s I was spending a lot of time right smack in the middle of notorious Razorhurst, the area of Darlinghurst and East Sydney where, in the 1920s and 1930s, the razor gangs waged war, as the vice queens Kate Leigh and Tilly Devine vied for their share of the working man's earnings through sly grog, cocaine and prostitution. It was more of a triumvirate of crime bosses - Leigh, Devine and Phil "the Jew" Jeffs - but the women were the ones who ruled the Sydney underworld roost. The Melbourne upstart Norman Bruhn who took on the triumvirate in 1927 didn't last long. At the time, I had no idea just how close I was to the history of the birth of organized crime in Australia. Larry Writer's book, Razor, about "this wild, romantic, dreadful period in Sydney's history" wasn't published until 2001 and Screentime's television adaptation of Writer's book, Underbelly Razor, aired in 2011...' (Soure: Introduction)
(p. 9-24)
Postcard from Ischiai"Time to pen another postcard from Ischia.", John Tranter , single work poetry (p. 25)
Portraiti"no genTeel man", Patrick Jones , single work poetry (p. 26-30)
Blind Spoti"Slip id to lop its", Justin Clemens , single work poetry (p. 48)
Pollen Windi"the unsettled library f lutters at the heart like a moth", Claire Gaskin , single work poetry (p. 49)
Raining Blood and Money, Cassandra Atherton , single work short story (p. 50-55)
Arpeggio Poem (1)i"Coherent, effusive, gaily coherent", Catherine Vidler , single work poetry (p. 74)
Post Struti"Everybody’s unanimous critique of the poststructural.", Joel Scott , single work poetry (p. 75-76)
A Poetics of the Plough : Ned Kelly's the Jerilderie Letter, Michael Farrell , single work criticism
'What we might call, after Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, the settlement "assemblage" of ploughing, requires a horse or bullock, a farmer, and a plough (and land): an assemblage that is undone by Ned Kelly and his gang. In the following article I read The Jerilderie Letter for the agricultural milieu that Kelly emerged from, a milieu that Kelly both mourned and rejected, or perhaps reinvented: his rejection expressed primarily by his misuse of the plough as armour and numerous metaphorical references in the text to anti-settlement style farming operations, including such extremes as manuring the land with those who helped the police.' (Source: Introduction)
(p. 77-96.)
The Plein-air Effecti"After I’ve grazed on insecticide & grass", Adam Aitken , single work poetry (p. 97)
Claspedi"two little girls are holding hands", Geraldine Burrowes , single work poetry (p. 98)
The Denturesi"Living as Family Idiot a first reflection borne of that visit", Corey Wakeling , single work poetry (p. 99)
Courtly Lovei"Extroverted gases leap towards you and in their furious plenitude", Fiona Hile , single work poetry (p. 118-119)
V1i"in our letters, in our lone mouth, in", Tim Grey , single work poetry (p. 120)
Disapprovali"My friend is sleeping with a married man", Michael Farrell , single work poetry (p. 121-124)
Experimentalismi"one of Dr. Mengele’s ex-twins", Hazel Smith , single work poetry (p. 142-143)
Slowly Time is Moving Fencesi"Fences are relocating themselves, and the moon comes to rest on my", Hazel Smith , single work poetry (p. 144-145)
Act #19i"Ingres and insomnia", Ali Alizadeh , single work poetry (p. 146-147)
Class, Melissa Beit , single work short story (p. 148-157)
Circadian Rhythmi"Take a plot and plan for the future. With water", Ann Vickery , single work poetry (p. 158)