y separately published work icon TEXT : Journal of Writing and Writing Courses periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 2012... vol. 16 no. 1 April 2012 of TEXT : The Journal of the Australian Association of Writing Programs est. 1997 TEXT : Journal of Writing and Writing Courses
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* Contents derived from the , 2012 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Editorial : Writing in the Year of Reading, Enza Gandolfo , Nigel Krauth , single work criticism
Authors, Copyright and the Digital Evolution, Franci Cantatore , single work criticism
'Copyright law has been constantly evolving in response to economic demands, in an attempt to balance utilitarian principles with the changing times and technological advances. However, unprecedented advances in technology have challenged legislature globally and are having a disruptive effect on traditional publishing models and the copyright provisions that underpin them. It is in this uncharted terrain that authors and publishers find themselves, with the legislature adopting a reactive position, trying to deal with copyright infringement problems as they present themselves on the one hand, and accommodating public demand for access to creative works on the other. This article focuses on the challenges presented by such a transitional environment from Australian authors' perspectives and considers how the development of a digital publishing arena has impacted on authors' copyright expectations. These findings are based on responses obtained from 156 published Australian authors in a national online survey and 20 in-depth semi-structured interviews with authors and publishers. In gathering and interpreting the views, opinions and impressions of those most affected by copyright, copyright structures and the changing publishing industry, the research aimed to provide new insights into Australian copyright in written works. Significantly, the findings provide a snapshot of Australian authors' perspectives on copyright issues at a pivotal point in history when authors find themselves between the old and the new, grappling with the realities of traditional expectations and digital advances in publishing.' (Author's abstract)
Teaching Writing Process, Lucy Neave , single work criticism
'A fiction writer will often begin writing a manuscript in a rough and fragmentary manner, and over time transform these early attempts into what is hoped will be a publishable manuscript. Yet there is little in the creative writing literature on the practical aspects of writing process as utilised by writers, and/or on how writing process might be taught. Using writing process theoretical research, and accounts by writers of their processes, I look at how process, and in particular revision, can be taught in the undergraduate fiction writing workshop. I argue that effective student learning about revision occurs in response to assignments which ask students to re-enter the fictional world they have created, and make substantive changes.' (Author's abstract)
Migrating from Nonfiction to Fiction – A Practice-Led Approach Drawing on a Literary Journalist’s Notional Tool-Box, Glenda Banks , Martin Andrew , single work criticism
'This paper reflects on a literary journalist's practice-led approach to migrating from nonfiction to fiction and the decision to situate a narrative about the challenges and achievements of women in Victoria's mid-19th century goldfields in a novel in the subgenre of historiographic metafiction. It addresses the lacuna in the traditionally masculinised history of the gold rush era, opening a window onto the 'herstory' of the period, describing the courage of women who overcame poverty, isolation and the limited gender-based expectations of the time in which they lived to set the pattern for the social infrastructure we take for granted today. The first author's doctoral novel 'A Respectable Married Woman' embodies this migration and is informed methodologically by both journalistic and creative strategies. The study focuses on the role of site visits in practice-led research as it applies to literary journalism to create a sense of 'being there'. The interlocutory reader (Widdowson 1979) is drawn into a narrative construct which hangs evidence-based 'fictionised truths' in a factual framework in order to facilitate a greater understanding of a critical period in the growth of Victoria and, in particular, the contribution of women. Drawing on literary theorists including Hutcheon (1998) and Kundera (2000) and referencing writers Ricketson (2006), Sedgwick (2004) and Quindlen (2004) among others, this paper aims to encourage other nonfiction writers to make use of the literary journalist's notional 'tool-box' to take an imaginative leap into the world of credible historiographic metafiction.' (Author's abstract)
Frameworks of Grief : Narrative as an Act of Healing in Contemporary Memoir, Bernadette Brennan , single work criticism
'In his recent review of Joan Didion's Blue Nights (2011), critic and writer Andrew Riemer admitted to feeling uneasy. While acknowledging that many readers would respond differently, he noted that reading about Didion's grief over the loss of her daughter made him feel 'like an intruder into very private sorrow'. Riemer questioned the ethics of writing about the death of a child for publication. Asserting that grief was essentially mute, he argued that Didion should have stayed silent in the face of her extraordinary losses. At a time when memoirs about bereavement and loss are enjoying unprecedented popularity, Riemer's suggestions raise important issues for writers and readers of memoir. In this article I offer close readings of two recent memoirs of bereavement, Virginia Lloyd's The Young Widow's Book of Home Improvement (2008a) and Maggie MacKellar's When it Rains (2010), in order to explore some of the narrative strategies at work and to suggest that it is the very act of writing, specifically of crafting and shaping a narrative for publication, that enacts healing. ' (Author's abstract)
Killing the Conceptual : Knowing, Research, and Poetry for Children, Jen Webb , Michael Rosen , single work criticism
'Michael Rosen and Jen Webb met in London on 21 June 2011 to talk about the relationship between poetry and knowing. Michael's poetry is written for young readers, and his understanding of what he is doing, and why, and with what underlying ontological and axiological premises, is explicated in this discussion. Central to the conversation is Michael's perspective on how poetry can be put to work as a generative and genuinely educative domain for school children. Whether we invite them to write poems, read poems or discuss poems, Michael shows, we can use approaches, attitudes and techniques that open up a space in which young people can find their lives, their experiences and their thoughts validated. This can be a way to intervene in the established ways of understanding individuals and groups, in schools and in society more generally, and to open up new ways of knowing. We began the conversation with a brief tangent on technology and mythology, motivated by the Livescribe Smartpen being used - a product put out by the Echo group.' (Editor's abstract)
Death by Second Person, Harley Carter , single work prose
Sequence #2i"the man who asked", Gregory A. Gould , single work poetry
Sequence #5i"there is no darkness", Gregory A. Gould , single work poetry
The Last Balmainians, 1980i"Back then, I had come to live", Chris Mooney-Singh , single work poetry
Tongue-Atorium, Dominique Hecq , single work review
— Review of Bite Your Tongue Francesca Rendle-Short , 2008 single work novel ;
Strange Tales of Strange Lands, Sandra Burr , single work review
— Review of The World Swimmers Patrick West , 2011 selected work short story ;
Australian Literature goes Mobile, Jay Daniel Thompson , single work review
— Review of Long Paddock vol. 71 no. 1 2011 periodical issue ;
Section: https://textjournal.scholasticahq.com/article/31141-text-reviews-april-2012
‘This is Lazarus. / I Need an Outside Line.’, Marion Campbell , single work review
— Review of The Brokenness Sonnets I-III and Other Poems Mal McKimmie , 2011 selected work poetry ;
Telling All, Emily Sutherland , single work review
— Review of All Along the Watchtower : Memoir of a Sixties Revolutionary Michael Hyde , 2010 single work autobiography ;
Jewfish Bayi"The river is filthy –", Les Wicks , single work poetry
Tom Collinsi"I fall beneath my cart of names", Les Wicks , single work poetry