y separately published work icon Literature and Aesthetics periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 2007... vol. 17 no. 2 December 2007 of Literature and Aesthetics est. 1991 Literature and Aesthetics
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* Contents derived from the , 2007 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Infinity and Other Possibilities : Following the Footfall of Expatriate Australian Women Writers in Greece - Charmian Clift, Beverley Farmer and Sue Woolfe, Shé Mackenzie Hawke , single work criticism (p. 51-65)
Mesas and Muses : The Effectiveness of Translation Strategies in the Transfer of Culturally Specific references in Tim Winton's Dirt Music, Denise Maree Formica , single work criticism
'This paper decribes and analyses the effectiveness of the translation strategies selected by the Italian translator of Tim Winton's Dirt Music' (p.154).
(p. 154-173)
'The sky here compensates for solitude' : Space and Displacement in a Migrant's Tale, Brigid Maher , single work criticism
This paper 'deals with translation in more than one sense of the word, but its focus remains on questions of language, expresssion, identity and interlingual literary translation. I explore these issues through an analysis of Rosa R. Cappiello's Paese fortunato (1981), a novel that expresses or "translates" the narrator's bilcultural and bilingual migrant experience; I also consider the actual interlingual translation of the novel, from Italian into English ... and its reception in the English language' (p. 174).
(p. 174-191)
On Transference and Transposition in Translation, Vrasidas Karalis , single work criticism (p. 224-236)