Includes 'Adam Lindsay Gordon' (by B. D.), a brief commentary which notes: 'We learn that the Commonwealth Government has associated itself with a movement to erect a tablet to the memory of
Adam Lindsay Gordon [q.v.] in the Poets' Corner of Westminster Abbey. It is considered that the erection of such a tablet is the most fitting manner of celebrating the centenary of the birth of Gordon. Mr Menzies [aka
Robert Menzies, q.v.], the Attorney-General, has frankly stated that he regards Gordon as a third-rate poet, and the opinion of Mr Menzies should not be lightly dismissed as it agrees in this case with the opinions of thousands of intelligent Australians who are too charitable to give a revaluation of Gordon as a literary figure. Australia has never produced a poet of the first order, and one would hesitate to elect even the best of them to the gathering assembled in the Corner.' (content appears in the topical monthly column, 'Contributed Comments')