'This country anytime anywhere features writing from new and emerging Aboriginal writers from the length of the Northern Territory. This contemporary collection features eight Australian Aboriginal languages - some of them severely endangered - and is unsurpassed in its comprehensive representation of writers, subject matters and styles that share the powerful cultural, artistic, political and personal interests of these writers in the 21st century. Ranging from teenagers to elders, the writers come from diverse rural, urban and remote backgrounds...' (Source back cover)
Alice Springs : IAD Press Northern Territory Writers' Centre , 2010 pg. 11-12'It is estimated now that nearly five thousand Aboriginal authors have been published in Australia since the cultural impact of colonisation occurred. However this seems rare or vague knowledge to the outskirts of Australian literature. It seems this contribution by Aboriginal writers is somewhat limited to access or obtain for the general public who enjoy a good read, or seek an historical view point...' (Source: Cobby Eckermann Ali, and Fogarty Lionel, Southerly Vol. 71 No. 2 2011:8-11)
2011 pg. 180-181