y separately published work icon The Australian Journal periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1944... vol. 79 no. 943 2 October 1944 of The Australian Journal est. 1865 The Australian Journal
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  • Includes:

  • Only literary material by Australian authors individually indexed. Other material in this issue includes:

    • Little Canadian Farm: Wherever There's Angels There's Heaven by Canadian author, R. Ross Annett
    • It's Nice Being a Girl by New Zealand author, Dorothy Eden
    • Ballaster Wins by Canadian author, Ames Johnson


* Contents derived from the 1944 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
In Passing, Ronald Campbell , single work column (p. 628)
It's No Use Staying Here, Rett Rouget , single work short story war literature (p. 633-635)
The Burying at Silver River, Harriette Gordon , single work short story (p. 636, 639-641, 643)
Nothing Ever Happens, 'William Hatfield' , single work short story (p. 637-639)
Makers of Opportunity, Rex Grayson , single work short story (p. 642-643, 666-675)
Smoke-Signals, Henrietta Drake-Brockman , single work short story (p. 644, 647-649)
Note: Includes two photographs of Henrietta Drake-Brockman.
All the Difference, William Worden , single work short story (p. 645-647)
You Can't Make Goats of Us, S. H. Courtier , single work short story war literature (p. 653-655)
The Nullabor Sails, Gordon Massey , single work short story (p. 676-682)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Last amended 8 Jul 2010 14:16:11