Lu Xun, Your Hands single work   poetry   "Lu Xun, your hands"
Issue Details: First known date: 2010... 2010 Lu Xun, Your Hands
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All Publication Details

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Meanjin vol. 69 no. 1 March 2010 Z1675705 2010 periodical issue 2010 pg. 230
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Best Australian Poems 2010 Robert Adamson (editor), Melbourne : Black Inc. , 2010 Z1745202 2010 anthology poetry (taught in 2 units)

    'Selected by one of Australia's most acclaimed poets, this inspired collection captures the richness and scope of present-day Australian verse. It features innovative and exciting poems - many published here for the first time - from our best-known poets as well as daring and insightful works from rising stars.

    Together they create a lively sense of conversation, of voices criss-crossing the continent, exploring the many themes that animated and inspired the nation's poets in 2010.' (From the Publisher's website)

    Melbourne : Black Inc. , 2010
    pg. 37-38
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Disappearing Sydney : The Red Room Company , 2012 Z1884581 2012 anthology poetry multimedia (taught in 1 units)

    The Disappearing is an innovative new [free] app for iPhone, iPad and Android that (literally) explores poetry and place. Transform the world around you with new poems by some of Australia's finest poets, who've created a poetic map charting traces, fragmentary histories, impressions and memories.

    Beginning with a collection of over 100 poems about Sydney, The Disappearing will stretch across Australia during 2012. Along with previously unpublished poetry, The Disappearing features exclusive videos of readings and interviews with poets. Users can upload their own poems to The Disappearing, preserving ideas, emotions and experiences about their own environment that vanish over time (publisher blurb sighted 5/9/2012).

    Sydney : The Red Room Company , 2012
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Contemporary Asian Australian Poets Michelle Cahill (editor), Kim Cheng Boey (editor), Adam Aitken (editor), Glebe : Puncher and Wattmann , 2013 6169988 2013 anthology poetry (taught in 3 units)

    This ground-breaking anthology collects poems written by Australian poets who are migrants, their children, and refugees of Asian heritage, spanning work that covers over three decades of writing. Inclusive of hitherto marginalised voices, these poems explore the hyphenated and variegated ways of being Asian Australian, and demonstrate how the different origins and traditions transplanted from Asia have generated new and different ways of being Australian. This anthology highlights the complexity of Asian Australian interactions between cultures and languages, and is a landmark in a rich, diversely-textured and evolving story. Timely and proactive this anthology fills existing cultural gaps in poetic expressions of home, travel, diaspora, identity, myth, empire and language. [from Trove]

    Glebe : Puncher and Wattmann , 2013
    pg. 94-95
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