y separately published work icon Five Bells periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2009... vol. 16 no. 2/3 Autumn/Winter 2009 of Five Bells est. 1994 Five Bells
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* Contents derived from the , 2009 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Ars Poetica : A Reader's Perspective, John Leonard , single work criticism (p. 14-35)
Reading for Pleasure, Reading for Writing and Reading for Publication : Notes on Murphy, Murray and Kinsella, David Musgrave , single work criticism (p. 36-49)
A Type of Share-Farmingi"My pencil pine is a wind-smacked yardarm", John K. Murphy , single work poetry (p. 37)
Resting Awhilei"Not many folk feel the hare's pulse", John K. Murphy , single work poetry (p. 37-38)
Beside the Highwayi"In the Aboriginal Settlement, men are sleeping", Les Murray , single work poetry (p. 39-40)
A New England Farm, August 1914i"August is the windy month,", Les Murray , single work poetry war literature (p. 41)
A Use for the Unnecessary Bits : Poetic Literacy and the Streamlined Individual, Martin Langford , single work criticism (p. 50-57)
Reviewingi"When I start to read he's sitting", Lesley Lebkowicz , single work poetry (p. 53)
A Sunlit Morning, Labor Day, Late Twentieth Centuryi"Zed is the letter", J. S. Harry , single work poetry (p. 54-55)
Reading Meaningfully, Judith Beveridge , single work criticism (p. 58-63)
Reading with the Eye, Rosemary Huisman , single work criticism (p. 64-71)
Two-piecei"at daybreak: he looks up at nothing,", Nick Riemer , single work poetry (p. 70)
Poetry and Art, Edwin Wilson , single work criticism (p. 72-78)
What Was It about the Urn? DiVerse and Ekphrasis - A Decade of Poetry and Performing, Sheryl Persson , single work criticism (p. 96-105)
Jumping the Poetic Hurdle : Interview with Lyn Reeves, Graham Nunn (interviewer), single work interview (p. 106-109)
In the Clearingi"It's small, shot from above in black and white", Anna Buck , single work poetry (p. 110-112)
The Ringing Worldi"My left ear", Tricia Dearborn , single work poetry (p. 113-115)
How Poets Work, John Bennett , single work autobiography (p. 116-118)
Building Bridges between Cultures through Poetry, Anne Fairbairn , single work criticism (p. 119-126)
Grieving for Victoriai"Flames intense,", Keysar Trad , single work poetry (p. 126)