'Funny, disturbing and bittersweet, The Call is an enthralling drama about a young man looking to escape a suburban life.
Gary stares into the eyes of a chook. After laying twenty thousand eggs and spending an entire life inside a tiny cage, she's facing the chop.
Gary has had a confined life too - most of it spent looking for girls, stealing cars and wagging school. Now it's become a succession of dull, dirty and dangerous jobs.
But Gary yearns for something that can make sense of life for him - give it meaning. He hears the call. One that roars inside him. A call of the wild, a call to arms, a call to prayer, a call of adventure...' (Publisher's blurb)
'Deeply Offensive and Utterly Untrue' is based on the report of the 2006 'Inquiry into certain Australian companies in relation to the UN Oil-For-Food Programme' commonly referred to as the 'Cole Inquiry'. The Inquiry investigated 'whether decisions, actions, conduct or payments by Australian companies mentioned in the Volcker Inquiry into the United Nations Oil-for-Food Programme breached any [Australian] Federal, State or Territory law'.
'The sights and sounds of Indigenous Australia and Indonesia are brought to life in a unique fusion of high-powered physical theatre, music, song and dance. This show tells the extraordinary story of a young Indigenous man's journey to Makassar at the turn of the 20th Century.'
Source: Sydney Opera House website, http://www.sydneyoperahouse.com
Sighted: 24/09/2007