image of person or book cover 4980313946886636978.jpg
Screen cap from promotional trailer
form y separately published work icon Bran Nue Dae single work   film/TV  
Adaptation of Bran Nue Dae : A Musical Journey Jimmy Chi , 1990 single work musical theatre
Issue Details: First known date: 2009... 2009 Bran Nue Dae
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

Based on the stage musical of the same name by Jimmy Chi and the band Kuckles, Bran Nue Dae is set in 1969 and follows Willie, a young man who struggles to find a balance between the three things that drive his life: his love for his girl Rosie, his respect for his mother, and his religious faith. Willie's uncomplicated life of fishing and hanging out with his mates and his girl in the idyllic world of Broome is turned upside down when his mother returns him to the religious mission for further schooling and entry into the priesthood. After being punished for an act of youthful rebellion, he runs away from the mission on a journey that leads him to meet his 'Uncle Tadpole' and eventually return to Broome. Along the way, Willie and Uncle Tadpole meet a couple of hippies, spend the night in gaol, and meet a gun-toting roadhouse operator, while managing to stay one step ahead of Father Benedictus, who wants to bring Willie back to the mission.




  • Not all of the original songs from the 1990 stage musical appear in the film adaptation. For a complete listing of the original songs, see Bran Nue Dae: A Musical Journey published by Currency Press and Magabala Books (1991).

  • For further information, see the Bran Nue Dae website:

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

First known date: 2009

Works about this Work

Bran Nue Dae Tom Zubrycki , 2025 single work essay
— Appears in: Senses of Cinema , January no. 112 2025;

'In 1990 I started production in Broome on Lord of the Bush (1990), a documentary about the enigmatic figure Lord Alistair McAlpine, who had big ambitions of developing the town in the 1980s which ultimately failed. It was during the making of that film that I met Jimmy Chi, the creator and writer of Bran Nue Dae and his fellow musicians in the Kuckles band. The musical was already starting rehearsals for its world premiere at the 1990 Perth Festival. During the completion of Lord of the Bush, I was asked by Bran Nue Dae Corporation (the rights holder to the musical) whether I was interested in producing and directing a documentary about Jimmy. I immediately accepted, and the ABC obliged with a pre-sale.' (Introduction)   

In the Frame David Stratton , 2024 single work column
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 16-17 November 2024; (p. 9)
Bran Nue Dae i "With reference to protests in 2015 against", Declan Fry , 2020 single work poetry
— Appears in: Rabbit , no. 32 2020; (p. 122-125)
Aboriginal Perspectives in English Classroom Texts Jessica Scarcella , Cathie Burgess , 2019 single work criticism
— Appears in: English in Australia , vol. 54 no. 1 2019; (p. 20-29)

'According to the NSW K–10 English Syllabus, all students should engage with ‘texts that give insight into Aboriginal experiences in Australia’. Along with the inclusion of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cross Curriculum Priority, this suggests that texts in English should develop deep understanding of Aboriginal cultures, experiences and perspectives. This project uses critical discourse analysis followed by content analysis, adapted from Lowe and Yunkaporta’s (2013) Cultural Analysis Matrix, to analyse representations of Aboriginal experiences and perspectives in six commonly used classroom texts to ascertain the nature and depth of the Aboriginal voices, experiences and perspectives within each text. This paper argues that texts which include Aboriginal characters and experiences through non-Aboriginal perspectives remain at risk of tokenism and/or shallow inclusion. However, texts which embody and value Aboriginal ways of knowing, doing and being demonstrate a capacity for more nuanced and genuine insights into Aboriginal experiences in Australia.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

At the Movies: Contemporary Australian Indigenous Cultural Expressions – Transforming the Australian Story Lynn Griffin , Michelle Trudgett , Steven Griffin , 2018 single work essay
— Appears in: The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education , December vol. 47 no. 2 2018;
'Cinema is an art form widely recognised as an agent to change the social condition and alter traditional norms. Movies can be used to educate and transform society's collective conscience. Indigenous Australian artists utilise the power of artistic expression as a tool to initiate change in the attitudes and perceptions of the broader Australian society. Australia's story has predominately been told from the coloniser's viewpoint. This narrative is being rewritten through Indigenous artists utilising the power of cinema to create compelling stories with Indigenous control. This medium has come into prominence for Indigenous Australians to express our culture, ontology and politics. Movies such as Samson and Delilah, Bran Nue Dae, The Sapphires and Rabbit-Proof Fence for example, have highlighted the injustices of past policies, adding new dimensions to the Australian narrative. These three films are just a few of the Indigenous Australian produced films being used in the Australian National Curriculum.'
A Bran Nue Dae for Aboriginal Cinema Alyssa Braithwaite , 2009 single work review
— Appears in: National Indigenous Times , 20 August vol. 8 no. 184 2009; (p. 12)

— Review of Bran Nue Dae Reg Cribb , Rachel Perkins , Jimmy Chi , 2009 single work film/TV
A New Awakening Marie-Christine Sourris , 2009 single work review
— Appears in: The Sunday Mail , 20 December 2009; (p. 12-13)

— Review of Bran Nue Dae Reg Cribb , Rachel Perkins , Jimmy Chi , 2009 single work film/TV
Happy Feat Peter Vincent , 2010 single work review
— Appears in: The Sydney Morning Herald , 1 January 2010; (p. 9)

— Review of Bran Nue Dae Reg Cribb , Rachel Perkins , Jimmy Chi , 2009 single work film/TV
New Release Tom Ryan , 2010 single work review
— Appears in: The Sunday Age , 10 January 2010; (p. 19) The Sun-Herald , 10 January 2010; (p. 10)

— Review of Bran Nue Dae Reg Cribb , Rachel Perkins , Jimmy Chi , 2009 single work film/TV
Hitting the Right Notes Sandra Hall , 2010 single work review
— Appears in: The Sydney Morning Herald , 9-10 January 2010; (p. 19)

— Review of Bran Nue Dae Reg Cribb , Rachel Perkins , Jimmy Chi , 2009 single work film/TV
Bran Nue Role for Australian Idol's Jessica Mauboy 2008 single work column
— Appears in: Koori Mail , 3 December no. 440 2008; (p. 51)
Film Festival Opener Takes Hard Look at Timor Deaths Michael Bodey , 2009 single work column
— Appears in: The Australian , 20 May 2009; (p. 8)
Bran New Dae to Give International Film Festival an Upbeat Finale Philippa Hawker , 2009 single work column
— Appears in: The Age , 20 May 2009; (p. 17)
Taking Their Time in the Sun Natasha Robinson , 2009 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Australian , 7 May 2009; (p. 11)
Bran Nue Dae Diana Plater , 2009 single work column
— Appears in: The Canberra Times , 13 June 2009; (p. 27)
Last amended 1 Feb 2023 14:08:33
  • Broome, Kimberley area, North Western Australia, Western Australia,
  • 1969
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