Archive: NFSA 767713 contains draft scripts and publicity materials.
'Averaging 339,000 viewers in the five mainland capitals, Carla Cametti, PD was SBS's
highest-rating locally-produced drama since OzTAM ratings began in 2001.'
Source: 'SBS first half 2009 program highlights' (Sighted 20/03/12)
List of Episodes:
(When put together episode titles form traditional wedding vows)
1. To Have and to Hold (Jo Martino, Samantha Winston, Liz Doran)
2. For Better, For Worse (Kris Mrksa, Samantha Winston)
3. For Richer, For Poorer (Liz Doran)
4. In Sickness and In Health (Kris Mrska)
5. Love, Honour, and Cherish (Liz Doran, Samantha Watson)
6. Till Death Do Us Part (Jo Martino, Kris Mrksa)
Source: (Sighted 20/03/12)