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y separately published work icon Indigenous Biography and Autobiography anthology   criticism  
Issue Details: First known date: 2008... 2008 Indigenous Biography and Autobiography
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* Contents derived from the Acton, Inner Canberra, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory,:ANU E Press , 2008 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Introduction, Peter Read , single work criticism (p. 1-2)
Teaching and Researching, Peter Read , Anna Haebich , single work criticism (p. 3)
From the Margins to the Mainstream : Towards a History of Published Indigenous Australian Autobiographies and Biographies, Oliver Haag , single work criticism

'Published Indigenous Australian autobiographies have undergone considerable change over the last five decades. From tenatative beginnings between the 1950s and the 1970s, they saw tremendous growth during the 1980s and 1990s..'

(p. 5-28)
A Path of Words : The Reception of Autobiographical Australian Aboriginal Writing in Italy, Francesca Di Blasio , single work criticism (p. 29-39)
Ethical Approaches to Teaching Aboriginal Culture and Literature in Spain, Susan Ballyn , single work criticism (p. 41-45)
Multiple Subjectivities : Writing Duall's Life as Social Biography, Kristyn Harman , single work criticism (p. 47-56)
Oodgeroo Noonuccal : Media Snapshots of a Controversial Life, Karen Fox , single work criticism
'I narrate several controversial incidents or issues Oodgeroo was involved in which featured in the pages of Australia's large-circulation daily newspapers. I contrast these narratives of controversies in Oodgeroo's life, and selected representations of her in the media, with her own views and understandings of events and of herself. I demonstrate the way in which she both used the media to convey her message of Aboriginal rights and challenged media portrayals of herself and her work, publicly articulating her own understandings of her life' (p. 57).
(p. 57-68)
Indigenous Story Telling, Frances Peters-Little , single work criticism (p. 69-71)
'Never Really Heard of It' : The Certificate of Exemption and Lost Identity, Judy Wickes , single work criticism
Judy Wickes examines the impact of the Certificate of Exemption on the lived experience of Aboriginal people in Queensland and its consequences for Aboriginal identity for subsequent generations. Wickes reflects on the experiences of her family, drawing on diaries as well as extensive archival research.
(p. 73-91)
Consultation and Critique: Implementing Cultural Protocols in the Reading of Collaborative Indigenous Life Writing, Michael Jacklin , single work criticism
In this paper Jacklin argues that the reading of Indigenous life narratives by non-Indigenous academics and their subsequently published reviews and critiques of Indigenous life writing could benefit from the acknowledgement and implementation of Indigenous cultural protocols. Literary studies, Jacklin suggests, may be resistant to the notion that publishing commentary and interpretation of another's life narrative sets in motion an exchange whose consequences may exceed the printed page. Yet, as numerous Indigenous writers have asserted, consultation is a basic principle underlying any ethical exchange between non-Indigenous writers and Indigenous people. Jacklin outlines some of the gains made and complexities encountered in the processes of consultation that guided his PhD research into collaboratively produced Indigenous life writing in both Australia and Canada.
(p. 135-145)
Too Much Information : When the Burden of Trust Paralyses Representation, Kristina Everett , single work criticism (p. 147-157)
Pauline McLeod : 'The Magpie Who Became a Swan' - Finding Salvation in Culture, Simon Luckhurst , single work criticism
Simon Luckhurst draws on material contained in an archive of 34 boxes left behind by Pauline McLeod, in order to describe facets of McLeod's life and reflect on theoretical aspects of the biographical process. The material includes poems, letters, notes, film ideas, playscripts and diaries.
(p. 159-175)
The Dilemmas of Knowing Too Much : Writing 'In the Desert - Jimmy Pike as a Boy', Pat Lowe , single work criticism (p. 177-180)