Issue Details:First known date:2008...2008From the Margins to the Mainstream : Towards a History of Published Indigenous Australian Autobiographies and Biographies
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'Published Indigenous Australian autobiographies have undergone considerable change over the last five decades. From tenatative beginnings between the 1950s and the 1970s, they saw tremendous growth during the 1980s and 1990s..'
Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of
Appears in:
yIndigenous Biography and AutobiographyPeter Read
Frances Peters-Little/specialistDatasets/BlackWords
Anna Haebich
Acton:ANU E Press,2008Z15487112008anthology criticism 'In this absorbing collection of papers Aboriginal, Maori, Dalit and western scholars discuss and analyse the difficulties they have faced in writing Indigenous biographies and autobiographies. The issues range from balancing the demands of western and non-western scholarship, through writing about a family that refuses to acknowledge its identity, to considering a community demand not to write anything at all.
The collection also presents some state-of-the-art issues in teaching Indigenous Studies based on auto/biography in Austria, Spain and Italy.' -- Publisher's blurbActon:ANU E Press,2008