'Meet Ed Kennedy - underage cabdriver, pathetic cardplayer, and useless at romance. His life is one of peaceful routine and incompetence, until he inadvertently stops a bank robbery. That's when the first Ace arrives. That's when Ed becomes the messenger...
'The Messenger is a darkly humorous, thought provoking and moving story that reminds us how difficult it is to find our place in the world.'
First produced at the Canberra Youth Theatre, Gorman House Arts Centre, Braddon, Australian Capital Territory, 26 November 2008.
Director: Pip Buining.
Presented by Brown's Mart at Brown's Mart, Darwin, in 2022.
Director: Merrilee Mills.
Production Designer: Beck Adams.
'An adaptation of Markus Zusak's novel has a mixed reception.'
Provides an overview of news, events, opportunities and industry information for young people in the performing arts in the ACT during 2008.
'An adaptation of Markus Zusak's novel has a mixed reception.'
Provides an overview of news, events, opportunities and industry information for young people in the performing arts in the ACT during 2008.