Editor's note: 'Fully sensible of the many obligations I owe to my Friends and the Public, for the flattering manner in which the announcement of the arrival of a new Press was received ; and with every acknowledgment for the kind assurances of support and patronage which have been voluntarily proffered, I again commence my labours in a cause (the true interests of the Colony) which it shall be my constant and unremitting study to advance. ... I have no desire to revive the unpleasant recollections connected with the discontinuance of my former Publication, and the establishment by Capt. Graham of a weekly Paper under the title of The Western Australian. The circumstances I conceive are generally known in the Colony ; and to those abroad the minute details of private differences, and personal reflections, can have no interest ; I therefore pass over the occurrence with merely this notice, that it is a source of satisfaction to myself, that the tone and sentiments of The Western Australian although the title closely resembled mine, would never lead it to be mistaken for the Western Australian Journal.'
Charles Macfaull, 'To the Public', The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal, vol. 1 no. 1 (5 January 1833): 2
Throughout 1838 the newspaper occasionally published selected pars from overseas sources. Pars were sometimes published with a source attribution. The editor's actual source for the pars is not always clear. The attributed international sources for pars in the Perth Gazette are:
'American Papers’
Baltimore Gazette
The Bar
Coleridge’s Table Talk
Liverpool Mercury
Peoria Register and North Western Gazetteer
New series, vol. 1 no. 1 (5 January 1833) - vol. 14 no. 726 (25 December 1846)
New series, vol. 1 no. 1 (2 January 1847) - no. 52 (26 December 1847)
'Terms of Subscription. l0s. 6d. per Quarter, if paid in advance, or 12s. if paid at the end of the Quarter. Single number. One Shilling. Terms of Advertisements :-For 8 lines, 3s. 6d. and 3d. per line above this number.' from 14 March 1840 the subscription was reduced to 10s a quarter, 1s. an issue. The terms for advertisements remained the same.
An advertisement to subscibers, 7 November 1846, announced 'The Proprietor of this Journal, begs to notify to his Subscribers and the Public, that from the first of July, the Quarterly charge will be Six Shillings, to be paid in advance. - Single number Sixpence'
With the first issue of the new series of 2 January 1846, terms of subscription were advertised as: 'Advertisements - 3s. 6d. for 8 lines, 3d. per line for all above that number. Subscription - 6s. per Quarter, to be paid in advance. Single Number 6d.'
No issues were published between 15 December 1838 and 5 January 1839. The editor apologised for the disruption in the 5 January 1839 issue: 'We regret extremely that we are under the necessity of offering an apology to the public for a temporary cessation of this journal, owing to an accident which occurred to our press. The difficulty which is felt in the colony of remedying such casualties will, we hope, be received as a sufficient excuse for the non-appearance of our last number.'
Although two issues (22 and 29 December, 1838) are presumed to be missing, the numbering and Macfaull's apology indicates that there is only one missing issue. The 15 December 1838 issue is no. 311 and the 5 January 1839 issue continues as no. 313.
'Moore's account of his trip with Lennard and Bull ... has been reproduced in Joanne Shoobert, Western Australian Explorations, pp. 421-7. Accompanied by Gear and Beguin, they travelled north to the Gingin-South Bindoon area [of Southwest Western Australia].'
Source: J. M. R. Cameron, The Millendon Memoirs (2006): 376